#CommBuild chats with Claire Sale

The mighty Claire Sale is hosting regular Community Builder chats on Twitter. Didn’t get enough community management best practices at the Online Community Manager panel? Then this is your Masters Class!
Are you working in a community-facing role for a socially-focused project or organization? If so, I’d like to invite you to attend #CommBuild chats!
The #CommBuild Community of Practice focuses on issues and topics relevant to those working in social sector community building or community management roles. Anyone interested in community building, whether you are formally in a Community Management job or not, is welcome to join the group and participate in the weekly chats.
Our next chat topic is Election Year Politics and Your Community which will be held on June 19. Here’s a bit more about the event:

Politics, in the US and elsewhere, will be hot this year. What’s a #commbuild-er’s response? While some communities may thrive on the back and forth, others find it divisive. What ideas do you have to help keep the right balance for your community?

How to Participate
I hope to see you at an upcoming chat!

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