Net Tuesday Vancouver celebrated TechSoup Global’s Digital Storytelling Month on April 2 by holding a panel event bringing together film makers, designers, web developers and writers.
The panel discussion showcased some digital storytelling tools with examples of them at work, providing attendees with new mediums and skills in conveying their organization’s message.
Storify by David Gloyn-Cox.
April 2013 – Digital storytelling
Digital storytelling is "using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve our lives" (Center for Digital Storytelling). Non-profit organizations can now leverage an ever growing number of tools…
Storified by Net Tuesday· Wed, Apr 03 2013 22:31:13
Digital storytellingLive video on youtube: click here. Digital storytelling is "using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share and value the s…
Our Panel
Vanessa Chase – Philanthropy for All –@vanessaechase – Vanessa is a writer, non-profit collaborator and philanthropy advocate. Her interest in storytelling and donor relations drives her work. She has worked for several non-profits in Vancouver, Canada as a fundraiser and communications specialist. Vanessa utilizes stories to emotionally connect donors to the organization’s mission in a way that inspires their involvement.
Jason Toal – – @draggin– By day, Jason works in an educational support unit that delivers e-learning solutions to the teaching community. By night, he participates (and DJs) in an open Digital Storytelling course (DS 106) out of the University of Mary Washington. DS 106 explores the web as a culture, as a media source, and as a place to publish in the open.
Andrew Nguyen – Lemongrass Films –@andrew_director – Andrew has worked with numerous organizations to make films that move people and influence thinking. He focuses on projects that contribute to social value and affect positive social change. Working closely with clients, he develops story ideas that respond to a client’s communications objectives and resonate with the intended audience.
Phillip Djwa – Agentic Digital Media – @phillipdjwa– Phillip is a certified Internet Marketing specialist and strategist with more than 18 years experience in the high-technology industry. During this time, Phillip has worked on a wide range of technology and web-integrated communications projects for Fortune 500 companies, high-tech start-ups, and not-for-profit organizations.
The quick and fast presentations…
Vanessa, led the charge…
Vanessa Chase on Digital Storytelling at Net Tuesday VancouverWhy Storytelling?
Recap from Net Tuesday’s Digital Storytelling for Non-ProfitsApril 3, 2013 | Filed under: Ideas, Resources, Tips and tagged with: Net Tuesday Vancouver, Non-Profit Storytelling Wow, did I ever have …
Followed by Jason, who showed us the delights of audio and DS106
From cassette tape to pencil and paper, THESE are my best digital storytelling tools. Seriously. | jasontoal.caI’ve had a lot of time to consider what I would talk about at the Net Tuesday meetup today on Digital storytelling, but even this morning…
Welcome to ds106We worked with design this week. Safari Trip I had planned on going to the mall to complete this, but I don’t have any money for gas righ…
The Andrew
Andrew Nguyen lemongrass presentationDigital Storytelling event at Net Tuesday April 2 2013
Visualizing Climate ChangeLemongrass
And last but not least… Phillip
Agentic Digital Storytelling deck for Net TuesdayDigital Storytellingthrough Digital Media Agentic Communications, Inc. Phillip Djwa Suite 701 – 207 West Hastings P
The Video
Digital Storytelling – Net Tuesday Vancouverevdg
Before the Feed, here is a challenge…
There is a non-profit Digital Storytelling challenge #ntvan that you should participate in. HT @techsoup #tsdigsNet Tuesday Meetup
TechSoup Digital StorytellingFirst Place Video Connect2give suite annual plan Notebook PC MobileBeacon hot spot and one year of unlimited 4G service GoToMeeting with …
The feed…
Crowd gathered for @nettuesday #ntvan J Djwa
@NetTuesday learning all about digital storytelling! #ntvanGrowing Chefs
#ntvan Digital storytelling is getting ready to start… Join @phillipdjwa, @draggin, @vanessaechase and @andrew_director.Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @NetTuesday standing room only! Looking forward to a conversation about digital storytellingJohn F. Gray
Couldn’t get to the the #ntvan "Digital Storytelling" talk so I’m following on twitter. If you’re there in the flesh, please tweet mightily.Hugh Stimson
Intros from the panel, digital marketing begins. #ntvanNet Tuesday Meetup
Super-excited for the #ntvan digital storytelling event presented by @NetTuesday! Ready to learn!shaena
Glad to be at Digital Storytelling @nettuesday #ntvanLaura Skosnik
Listen to our Digital Storytelling event on #ds106radio #ntvanChad Leaman
A guide to what kind of stories work.. #ntvanNet Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @vanessaechase is up first… Why Storytelling?Net Tuesday Meetup
Why storytelling? Storytelling gets people from thinking to feeling #ntvanMelissa Nelson
#ntvan For nonprofits, stories help move people from thinking to feeling for your cause… and eventually acting. @vanessaechaseJhenifer Pabillano
#ntvan @vanessaechase through the gateway the audience can experience the delight of interactive world’s.Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan For email marketing, stories can provide the thread to hang a larger campaign on. @vanessaechaseJhenifer Pabillano
#ntvan @vanessaechase question from the floor… Any test results from this example? Use AB testing, see the Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan Story tips: Know what your audience wants to hear and feed it back to them. Make content shareable and interactive. @vanessaechaseJhenifer Pabillano
#ntvan @draggin Jason Toal takes the stage…Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @draggin digital marketing is the bottle, the vessel used to carry the message.Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan Cassettes, pencils, stories. Full presentation from @draggin can be found here:…Jhenifer Pabillano
#ntvan @draggin ds106 Tuesday Meetup
Digital storytelling, a free e-course: ds106.usGreat tool for anyone in #socialmedia #PR #digital #marketing Thanks #ntvanSamson Rhys Cheng
Msg in a bottle and digital mktg is the bottle via . Flashbacks to #CMNS110 @sfu – the medium is the message #mcluhan #ntvanJen
#ntvan #ds106 interactive online sharing and learning experience. Uses soundcloud.comNet Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan #ds106 augmented reality using #layer and your phone, leave audio for layer visitors. sfu history 451.Net Tuesday Meetup
@andrew_director tell his story of leaving Vietnam #ntvan "throw her down!" J Djwa
#ntvan @andrew_director Storytelling…Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @andrew_director the power of stories, we all have stories inside us. Videos are effective to reach your audience.Net Tuesday Meetup
Humans process images better than words. A well-produced video should educate and entertain HT @andrew_producer #ntvanJen
"We appreciate our personal heroes more for trying than actually succeeding." – @andrew_director #ntvanSarah Clark
@andrew_director #ntvan in most stories there’s always a hero. Client, customer, concept. When telling your story ask, who’s your hero?Alexandra Nova Hearn
#ntvan @andrew_director we admire the hero for trying… Not necessarily for succeeding.Net Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @andrew_director Hero needs strengths, but needs weaknesses too. Let the audience think of redeeming them.Net Tuesday Meetup
@andrew_director amazing personal story and great storyteller. Strength of family to escape from Vietnam in 1979. Harrowing journey #ntvanJohn F. Gray
Key points HT @andrew_director 1)Who’s your hero 2)Their strengths + weaknesses 3)What challenges do they face 4)Why should we care? #ntvanJen
#ntvan @phillipdjwa is now up… Phillip Djwa – Agentic Digital Media – Tuesday Meetup
#ntvan @phillipdjwa breakdown on the "theory of change"Net Tuesday Meetup
"Tell me a story but make it about me" that’s digital storytelling @phillipdjwa #ntvanAlexandra Nova Hearn
#ntvan Ladder of engagement: useful tool to capture process of engagement to action @phillipdjwaJhenifer Pabillano
Engagement is key to stickiness and memorability @phillipdjwa #ntvanAlexandra Nova Hearn
#ntvan Digital ecology: website is core online presence, plus adjacent presences. Storytelling is superstructure that works across bothJhenifer Pabillano
Engage audience -> Tangible results -> Build relationships -> Sharable content. – @phillipdjwa #easypeasy! #ntvanSarah Clark
Far too many orgs forget that "We" includes the donor. Once a donor gives to your cause, they become a part of it @phillipdjwa #ntvanJen
Thanks @phillipdjwa, @draggin, @vanessaechase, @andrew_director &@NetTuesday for the amazing digital storytelling sesh! #ntvanshaena
"Its often when ur beginning to get bored of the msg ur pushing, that it’s just beginning to be heard by your supporters." – @elijah #ntvanSarah Clark
#ntvan a great evening; now to relax…David Gloyn-Cox
Digital storytelling at its finest brought you by @NetTuesday #NTVan Williams