Last Chance for Early Bird Tickets to NetSquared Camp

There is just one more day left to get a NetSquared Camp ticket at the early bird price.
If you buy on Tuesday tickets are a cheap $25. On May 1 the price increases to a (slightly less cheap) $30.

Be thrifty! Get your ticket today!


NetSquared Camp logoHi there!

As though our monthly Net Tuesday meetups aren’t awesome enough, we’re organizing a full day unconference.

Join us on Saturday, June 1, 2013 for NetSquared Camp 2013!
We’ll be jamming at The HiVE from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Tickets are available now.

If you’ve been looking for a place to collaborate with and learn from other non-profits, web innovators and social change makers, then THIS is the place for you! You’ll come away with insightful conversations, explorations, stories, and new relationships that will take your work to the next level.

Best of all, the content and structure of the unconference is decided by you!

To purchase a ticket, or find out more information check out our Eventbrite page.

Questions? Give Eli a shout at or tweet me at @elijah