Mitacs Opens Research Funding to Not-for-Profit Organizations

Eligible NFP partners can now participate in collaborative research with universities

Vancouver, BC – Eligible not-for-profit (NFP) organizations and Crown corporations can now receive funding to support research collaborations with universities. Qualifying organizations will be able to access high-quality research expertise in order to solve their business challenges.

 Today’s announcement expands the reach of Mitacs’ programs significantly. There are approximately 170,000 non-profit organizations in Canada, accounting for 8.1 percent of Canada’s GDP. These organizations — like Mitacs’ programs — work across all disciplines and sectors.

Eligible organizations may include economic development organizations, industry associations, social welfare organizations, and charitable organizations. Partners will be assessed for a demonstrable economic or productivity orientation of the proposed research project, such as creating jobs, reducing costs, or increasing productivity.

Examples of proposed NFP projects:

  • Examining the barriers to meaningful employment of blind Canadians
  • Anticipated research outcome:Improved employment opportunities for an underemployed population
  • Creating themed video games and apps for a theatre festival

Anticipated research outcome: Festival gains new audience and attendance is increased

  • Developing a pilot program that helps stroke victims return to work

Anticipated research outcome:  Implementation of the program to facilitate shorter recovery times and a faster return to the workplace

 Mitacs is accepting applications immediately.


Alejandro Adem, CEO and Scientific Director, Mitacs

“Mitacs is excited to offer Canada’s not-for-profit sector the opportunity to partner with high-quality graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at universities across Canada to help solve their business-related research challenges.”

Ted Hewitt, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

“Together, Mitacs and SSHRC are committed to supporting Canada’s future innovators. By partnering in the Accelerate and Elevate programs, we will strengthen connections among researchers, industry partners, and not-for-profit organizations, while offering graduate students in the social sciences and humanities the opportunity to apply their expertise to unique challenges.”

Tasha Sutcliffe, Vice-President/Director, Fisheries and Marines, Ecotrust Canada

“Sustainability of nonprofit organizations like Ecotrust Canada can no longer depend on grant funding alone. Mitacs Accelerate concretely helps our organization with new business planning strategies for the commercialization of our knowledge.”

Quick facts:

  • Mitacs is a national, private not-for-profit organization that develops the next generation of innovators with vital skills through unique research and training programs.
  • Mitacs’ Accelerate program connects graduate students with industry partners for research internships supervised by faculty. In 2013–2014, Mitacs supported 2,240 Accelerate internships.
  • Mitacs’ Elevate program provides recent PhD graduates with customized R&D management and professional development training while they’re working on research projects.


For more information on not-for-profit organization eligibility, click here.

For details about Mitacs and our programs, visit