Join our Community of Practice group on NTEN.org
NTEN Community | group directoryThe CommBuild Community of Practice is focused on building and sustaining online and offline communities for nonprofits, charities, and o…0
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There’s a tweetchat every Tuesday at 1:00pm EST using the hashtag #CommBuild
Today’s participants
#commbuild: I’m a community building consultant and organizer of commbuild group. Also *really* pregnant and about to go MIA for a bit!
Hi everyone! Name’s Christina. Active Job Seeker. Passionate about communities and user experience. #commbuild
@CommBuild Glad to be here with @lijah @LNorvig @ClaireSale @ChristinaFBrown. Nice to see new and old faces. #CommBuild
I’m @elijah I like to support communities to do fun things together. My title is often “volunteer manager” #commbuild
Q1. What offline communities are you a part of? Which ones do you value the most?
@CommBuild Easy! It’s the #501TechBOS – Boston’s 501 Tech Club, sponsored by @ntenorg. Also my pottery community, Mudflat 🙂 #commbuild
A.1. The offline community I’ve loved the most is the 2,000 volunteer crew of the @edmfolkfest #commbuild
Edmonton Folk Music FestivalDear Friends, The family of Don Snider would like to thank everyone who has sent expressions of sympathy over our overwhelming loss. Many…0
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Q1 @CommBuild Oh yes, our minyan (Jewish) community, like a synagogue, and the kids’ school #commbuild
A1: @NYTM and @NYTechWomen when I can. I value the connections I make when I meet people face 2 face. #commbuild
NY Tech Women
New York, NY
916 NYTechWomenMake Meaningful Connections
It’s uncomfortable being the outsider. We’ve all been there: walking into a room where everybody else seems to know each other and nobody gives you…NY Tech Women0
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@CommBuild I’m part of #geekfestjed and my local compound in Saudi. Trying to help with online/offline organizing with both. #commbuild
Q1 Value for both is the personal collusion of friendships (new/old), knowledge-sharing, professional growth (2/2) #commbuild
Q2. WHY did you join your offline community? Why do you think others joined?
@CommBuild I think ppl join offline comms for belonging, sharing interests/learnings, and to move forward on particular projects. #commbuild
A2. I am attracted to joining offline communities because of THE PEOPLE. The purpose of the group quickly becomes secondary. #commbuild
Q2. I’m a bit on the cynical side: they join for personal gain. Larger time commitment to offline events = tough decisions #commbuild
A2: Hi @mbhahn! I think I joined my offline comms b/c I wanted (& still do) to get my foot in the NY tech scene. #commbuild
Q3. Do you lead an offline community right now? What is the group?
A3. I’ve been leading Vancouver’s Net Tuesday @NetSquared group for 3.5 years. The most fun volunteer gig I’ve ever had. #Commbuild
Net Tuesday Vancouver – Remixing the web for social changeWhat types of stories best engage your audience? How can you best move your supporters to action? Why do people give to your organization…0
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@askdebra What’s your role in the Minyan group? #commbuild
@CommBuild Just as a member, but I feel part of the community, since it is lay-lead, and we all take on roles each quarter #commbuild
@elijah You’ve been such a rockstar leading Vancouver @Netsquared. When I lived in #Cambridge I had a great time leading Net2. #commbuild
What is NetSquared Local? | NetSquaredNetSquared Local groups hold monthly offline events for anyone interested in the connection of technology and social impact. These gather…0
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Q4. Are your offline and online communities connected? How?
@CommBuild It’s funny… there often seems to be a disconnect. Offline people don’t always transfer online and vice versa. #commbuild
A4: They are connected. Their social media pages post the latest monthly meetups and ways people can get involved. #commbuild
@ChristinaFBrown Yes! This is an awesome way to connect the two. ^discoverability and ^information sharing #commbuild
@ChristinaFBrown are there other ways you’re connecting the two (online/offline)? #commbuild
@ClaireSale Every month, there is pre @NYTechWomen meetup and then we head across the street to the @NYTM. Instant connections. #commbuild
A4. @NetTuesday ‘s online and offline presences are largely connected one-way. Online recruits for offline meetings. #commbuild
Q5. What online tools do you use to manage and support your offline community?
@CommBuild I’ve used tons! meetup, eventbrite, trello, facebook groups/pages/events, linkedin events, twitter….. #commbuild
Claire’s favorite online tools for community building
Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something – MeetupHelps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world0
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Online Event Registration – Sell Tickets Online with EventbriteEventbrite gives you all the online tools you need to bring people together for an event and sell tickets.0
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Facebook Groups | FacebookHave things you only want to share with a small group of people? Just create a group, add friends, and start sharing. Once you have you…0
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TrelloOrganize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what’s being wo…0
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Email is still a go-to tool
Q5b. What tools are most effective in building community? Personally I still find an email listserv or google group to work best. #commbuild
@CommBuild 1 to google groups and listserves, I’m also finding closed facebook groups to be amazingly active. #commbuild
Meetup vs Eventbrite
A5. @meetup is an amazingly powerful recruitment tool to find people who are interested in face-to-face gatherings. #Commbuild
@elijah I like meetup too, but I wish it had functionality for online-only events (like tweetchats!) #commbuild
@ClaireSale I’ve found @Eventbrite to be a fabulous replacement for @meetup for virtual events. But less good at recruiting. #commbuild
@CommBuild Truth. Problem with eventbrite is it serves the event not so much building the community #commbuild
@CommBuild @Eventbrite is great to find offline events in ur niche but there isn’t a “community building” component like @meetup. #commbuild
@ChristinaFBrown @ClaireSale – so right… I’m a “meetup member” but not an “eventbrite member”. #commbuild
Q6. Who is doing online -> offline community building right? What’s a model organization?
@CommBuild US-based politicians! They’ve got the online->offline organizing down pretty well. #commbuild
@ClaireSale – SMART! The Obama get-out-the-vote team are masters at engaging online and getting to offline action. #commbuild
@ClaireSale Agreed. I think the Obama for America (biased lol) was an excellent online & offline political grassroots network. #commbuild
@ClaireSale If you think about it, @barackobama is continuing the @OFA framework by bringing his ideas to real Americans now. #commbuild
A6. @350 and @engagejoe are doing the online to offline transition beautifully. A vibrant online community that SHOWS UP #commbuild
350.org350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass publi…0
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Other groups holding regular offline meetings
Q6b. But the politicians are doing a one-off transaction (vote). Who is getting people to move online to offline consistently? #commbuild
@CommBuild 1 on 350. Also: NTEN 501 tech clubs, NetSquared groups, WiserEarth, Yes!, and Social Media Surgery… #commbuild
Wiser.org: The Social Network for SustainabilityWiser helps the global movement of people and organizations working toward social justice, indigenous rights, and environmental … Wit…0
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Join an NTEN 501 Tech Club | NTENNTEN 501 Tech Clubs are informal local groups that meet regularly to get to know their colleagues, develop a professional support netwo…0
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Churches get people to show up on a weekly basis! Who can top that? #commbuild
A6. Other non-#nptech examples are weekly running/jogging groups, book clubs and knitting circles. #commbuild
@CommBuild oh the knitters. Always the knitters! #commbuild
@ClaireSale and our knitter friends also create soft snuggly things to wear. Not just ideas. THEY ARE THE BEST! #commbuild
Q7. What’s your #1 tip for a community organizer that wants to organize a lasting online?
PERSISTENCE! “Q7. What’s your #1 tip for a community organizer that wants to organize a lasting online gathering?” #commbuild
@stevieflow talks about “zero expectations organizing” as the key to success. bit.ly/IVITdq #commbuild
@CommBuild My tip: keep the barrier to entry low and the quality of content high #commbuild
UP NEXT: Tuesday, December 18.
Next week: join @askdebra for “The benefit of Twitter chats, & how they build community.” bit.ly/Uxy53S #commbuild
A topic idea for the future….
@ChristinaFBrown ah… totally a topic for another day! “Cross-pollination across local or related groups” #commbuild
Get involved
Want to lead a #CommBuild chat? Want to help manage the community? Reach out to @ClaireSale
#commbuild: Just want to quickly announce we’re looking for vols to take leadership roles with the #commbuild group. bit.ly/S5fjqg
#commbuild: I’m a community building consultant and organizer of commbuild group. Also *really* pregnant and about to go MIA for a bit!