Lean Principles for Nonprofits: Because Your Annual Plan is a Fraud

Starting, building and operating a nonprofit organization is done under conditions of extreme uncertainty, but we plan with confidence. Enormous energy is put into Five Year Strategic Plans, Annual Plans and Quarterly plans, but then real life intrudes and the reality is that there’s only the vaguest resemblance between our plans and our actual work. So much wasted time! There’s got to be a better way.

Kayvon Khalilzadeh of Lean Startup Vancouver will introduce us to the concept of the lean startup

Lean Startup is a methodology that favors experimentation over elaborate planning, customer feedback over intuition, and iterative design over traditional “big design up front” development. Although the methodology is just a few years old, its concepts—such as “minimum viable product” and “pivoting” have quickly taken root in the start-up world. Now it’s time for the nonprofit sector to adopt this innovative approach.

We are going to discuss topics like:

  • What is Lean Startup?
  • Why is Lean important? What is the point?
  • What is Lean for Nonprofit? Is it any different than for the private sector?
  • Learn about Lean processes
  • Discover Lean tools

Background Reading

This session is for:

  • Nonprofit Executives who want to manage their organizers more effectively
  • Nonprofit Staff need to increase the level of innovation so that they can meet their mission
  • Web and online staff who are delivering website and online products for their organization

RSVP on Meetup.com

When: Tuesday, March 4, 2013, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Where: HiVE Vancouver, #210 – 128 W Hastings St.

RSVP on Meetup.com


  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: Networking and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 PM: Presentation
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Q&A and Wrap


  • Event hashtag: #Net2van
  • Host: @Net2van
  • Presenter: @kayvonk
  • Venue sponsor: @HiVEvancouver
  • Food sponsor: @iATSPayments
  • Social sponsor: @NTENorg


Mobility Access: This venue does not have ramps and elevators and is not wheelchair accessible.

Hearing Access: Speakers at this event will use microphones.

Sight Access: Contact the organizers if you need an advance copy of the presentation.

We want everyone to be able to participate in the Net2Van community and events. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.