APRIL 1: Learning from a loss – digital lessons from the 2013 BC NDP Election campaign

It’s often said that we can learn more from failure than success. We’ll be taking a look at the BC NDP 2013 election digital strategy, talking about successful tactics and tools, and the lessons we learned. Despite the failure of the campaign, the digital effort – online engagement, fundraising, and outreach – broke new ground in many areas.

This session is for:

  • Nonprofit Executives who want to develop digital campaign strategies
  • Nonprofit Staff looking to learn about the latest tactics and tools
  • Web and online staff who are delivering website and online products for their organization

RSVP on Meetup

When: Tuesday, April 1 2014, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: HiVE Vancouver, #210 – 128 W Hastings St.

RSVP on Meetup


Michael Roy for Net2vanMichael Roy is the Director of Communications at the BC NDP. He oversees the party’s digital outreach and paid media, and had the pleasure of working with a talented team during the last campaign.


  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: Networking and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 PM: Presentation
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Q&A and Wrap


Event hashtag: #Net2van
Host: @Net2van
Presenter: @mikelroy


Mobility Access: This venue does not have ramps and elevators and is not wheelchair accessible.
Hearing Access: Speakers at this event will use microphones.
Sight Access: Contact the organizers if you need an advance copy of the presentation.

We want everyone to be able to participate in the Net2Van community and events. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.