July Nonprofit & Tech Events

Hey friends, there’s lots of great events for the nonprofit tech community. Check ’em out!


Most NetSquared Vancouver events are free or by donation.

Digital Storytelling – Production to Distribution

When: Tuesday, July 7
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/222488397/

Join Michael and the SPARXC team for an overview of Digital Storytelling – from Production to Distribution.

PLUS, learn about the satellite information device and service Outernet. Project member Ben Ennis will show off the service from 5:45 – 6:00 PM.

Digital Makeover: Apply Now for Help From Our Experts

When: Saturday, July 25
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/222488352/

Are you a super-small charity or nonprofit? Our team of dedicated volunteers wants to make you look professional and awesome! We’re seeking small organizations (5 or less staff) who have a very minimal digital presence who will join us to perform an intensive, free one-day makeover of your charity or nonprofit’s online presence.

Apply at https://www.net2van.com/2015/06/digital-makeover-applications-now-open/

Community Manager Camping Trip

When: Saturday, September 12- Sunday, September 13
RSVP: https://www.picatic.com/cmcamping

Camping. For Community Managers! Chill and gossip with your peers at the campfire.

We’re planning a very loosely organized overnight camping trip with your Community Manager pals. Wanna come? We’ll drink, we’ll laugh, we’ll cry and we’ll eat s’mores around a campfire.


Disappointed that you missed the 2015 The Digital Non-Profit Conference?

You can still learn from the great presentations because SPARXC recorded the entire event. So it is possible to hear the sage advice of leaders and experts on:

  • How to structure your organizations to make them more effective online
  • How to embed the power of the internet into our daily operations
  • How to use data to make better decisions and be more effective in executing your missions

Very positive feedback from the attendees

Listen to this 3 minute video and the comments from attendees about the presentations.

NET2 Digital NonProfit Conference and Attendee’s Response

If you are a Non-Profit leader, Fundraiser or a Digital Program/Support Staff who wants to more effectively engage your donors and promote your cause, contact Henry Urion at SPARXC, 604 442 6947 or Henry@SPARXC.ca to obtain video recordings of the presentations.

More info about the speakers and their presentations

Vu Le, Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps
“The role of data in equity and social justice”
The nonprofit sector has seen an increased focus on data, metrics, outcomes, etc. Some of this is due to the complex nature of our work and the difficulty of defining success. The focus on data is an attempt to tame the chaos. However, data can be both very helpful, or very detrimental to the work. The narrow definitions of what constitutes good data and outcomes, for example, can leave many marginalized communities behind. We need to understand how and when to use data, who uses it, and how to apply the lens of equity in looking at data.

Peter Wrinch, Lead Organizer, NationBuilder and former Executive Director, Pivot Legal Society
“Building the Culture to Win: A Deep Look at Non-profit Culture, Structure & Tech – You Always Need to Be Selling”
When Peter Wrinch took over the leadership at Pivot in 2010 the organization was struggling. Despite an incredible vision, a strong community of support, and a great team, the bank accounts were empty, people worked in silos, and the organization was suffering from mission drift. At his first staff retreat as Executive Director, he asked the staff to work with a new style of leadership – one that put each of them at the centre of their own respective areas of expertise. As Executive Director he would supply the tools for their success, but the responsibility for growth, movement, and ultimately Pivot-style social change rested with them. And it worked! Listen to his sage advice on how to sell your organization.

Benjamin Johnson, Executive Director, Frontier Marketing Company
“55 ways to love your donor”
Frontier has recently conducted a study of online fundraising practices among Canadian Christian Charities. They’ll present their findings, which lay out a series of best-practices that can be used to evaluate any charity website, as well as actionable steps to make some of the most critical changes.


Ideas Vancouver – Project #1 – Create a social enterprise

When: Sunday, July 5
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1033669733340510/

We will create a social good. It will be a repeating hackathon. It will be a fun project that builds community. We’ll learn, share, and create. Bring some ideas on what we can create, and what you might be able to contribute. It can be nothing to do with your regular job at all. Want to try your hand at marketing? graphic design? programming? customer discovery? The more, the merrier! Everyone is welcome, creativity encouraged.

Board Fundamentals: Not-For-Profit Financial Essentials

When: July 7
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/financial-essentials

The role boards and employees play in not-for-profit financial management is not always fully understood or appreciated. This half-day session will introduce you to a wide variety of financial management strategies and discuss ways to implement financial management tools effectively.

Strategies for Attracting High Performers

When: July 10
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/recruiting-keeps-intensive

In Recruiting for Keeps Intensive you will explore best practices in developing job descriptions, screening resumes, developing interview questions, and conducting reference checks to proactively attract and recruit high performers to your employee and volunteer roles.

Gala Do’s & Don’t’s!

When: Thursday, July 16
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Association-of-Fundraising-Professionals-Vancouver-area/events/223418719/

The esteemed “Gala”. Many organizations have one, and some have even called it their signature event. A sparkling room filled with glitz, glamour and capacity, all coordinated with impeccable attention to detail.

But with every event, large or small, come successes and challenges. It’s now time to uncover the “Do’s & Don’t’s of Gala Fundraising”! An experienced panel of experts to share their Do’s & Don’t’s when it comes to gala fundraising and coordination!

The Vancouver ExpressionEngine Meetup

When: Wednesday, July 29
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/expressionengine/events/223320504/

Our informal and friendly Meetup offers an exchange of news, tips and techniques for using the ExpressionEngine CMS platform over good food and beer.

Attendees range from brand-new to very well-versed in EE. We also welcome users of other CMSs, such as Craft and Drupal. Even WordPress, sometimes.

Flipside Createathon Application Deadline

When: Friday, July 31
Apply: http://flip-side.ca/apply-for-createathon/

The Flipside team will work 24 hours straight from 8am on Thursday October 22 to 8am on Friday, October 23 to design, write, strategize, develop, etc. for charities who need a bit of marketing support. It’s free. No catch.

Board Fundamentals: Critical role of the Chair

When: August 6
RSVP: http://www.thevantagepoint.ca/content/critical-role-board-chair–0

Learn key strategies to engage your board in achieving its organizational mission by: gaining a better understanding of the board chair’s role;
exploring how to move your board towards a governance model; and
generating ideas for a Board Chair leadership action plan.

Volunteer Futures Conference

When: September 24 + 25
RSVP: http://volunteerfutures.org/

September 24 & 25, 2015 is Volunteer BC’s annual training event – VOLUNTEER FUTURES

Volunteer and Non-Profit Sectors strengthen and build communities. In order to succeed and make an impact, we must nurture our networks – share our goals and work together. High-impact organizations build networks of allies, share their expertise and talent with their peers. As we progress in the information age,the savvier our stakeholders become – non-profits must also focus on technology to increase their impact.

This is the event to share the voices of your community, find out what’s happening across the province and collaborate with like-minded partners and learn! Anyone from the general public interested in learning more about volunteerism and non-profits are welcome. Join us!

Got an event that should be in the next newsletter? Let me know!