Expert Presenters – The Digital Nonprofit 2018

The Digital Nonprofit 2018 Presenter Schedule

We are thrilled to announce our full line-up of presenters at The Digital Nonprofit 2018.

More than fifteen experts from across the Pacific Northwest will share their expertise, struggles, and victories in a variety of formats, including short case studies, panel conversations, and presentations.

Keynote: The Technology Strategy of Love

Tracy Kronzak, Senior Manager Partner Success. (Seattle)

Tracy Kronzak will share reflections on connecting the hard work of technology to the work of the heart of mission-driven communities. Technology strategy requires us to not only know the why of what we’re executing, but the why of what we’re here in service of, and delivery in support of peace and justice. “The greatest act of love is to be of service to another human being. We begin our journey at nonprofits because we act from the heart, and the execution of our technology becomes the new territory of the heart – worth the time, thought, and certitude that all matters of the heart engender.”

How Do You Attract Tech-Literate Talent?

Crystal Henrickson, CPCC, ACC Career and Leadership Coach, Talent Collective (Penticton)

The competition for talent continues to grow, and while some nonprofits only use dollars as their competitive advantage, savvy organizations are turning towards attraction and retention strategies that individuals really want: work autonomy, location-independence and mobility. But, it’s not as simple as unplugging. Learn the key elements (and debunk the myths) to creating a remote-friendly employee culture.


Case Study: Building Systems to Help Our Orchestra Scale

Steve Coombe, Vice President of Board of Directors, Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra

How Steve Coombe put in place the technical processes to help staff focus on their mission, rather than busywork.

Truth and Reconciliation in the Digital Age

Denise Williams, Executive Director, First Nations Technology Council

Let’s talk about Truth and Reconciliation in the digital age and the decolonozation of online spaces. Technology is a Human Right. Help imagine a more equitably connected future with the First Nations Technology Council.

Engagement Pyramids and Integrated Campaigning

Barbara Christensen, Senior Project Manager, Percolator (Seattle)

Engagement Pyramids – the secret to truly integrated, measurable campaigns.

Your engagement pyramid is the framework that ensures you’re spending the right amount of time on the right people, helps you evaluate your engagement efforts on a global level, and ensures you have the tools to identify your rising stars early and keep them on track. An engagement pyramid also helps to break down silos between departments and establish organization-wide engagement goals and metrics.


Crash Report, or “Sorry for Breaking Your Nonprofit”

Rob Cottingham, Cofounder, Social Signal

Digital transformation sure sounds like fun… the same way bathroom renovations do. Then you start finding black mold and structural damage, and before you know it your place is stripped down to the studs and you’re booking a three-month stay in a Motel 6. Rob kicks off the afternoon with a bracing look at what we’ve let ourselves in for — as well as the surprising upsides of disruption.

Digital Teams in 2018: The New Landscape of Digital Engagement

Jason Mogus, Principal Strategist, NetChange (Salt Spring Island)

The state of digital teams inside our nonprofits often reflects deeper issues of culture and structure and how well adapted our institutions are to today’s communications landscape. So what’s going on with digital teams today? What team structures, roles, and behaviours are producing the best outcomes? Are we getting better at cross-silo and cross-channel communications? Are we set up to really deliver on the promise of digital engagement?

Jason Mogus has been a digital structure geek for two decades, and his firm recently released their 3rd report on Nonprofit Digital Teams. He will share highlights from the report, trends over time, and war stories working inside institutions of all shapes and sizes. Then you’ll get a chance to solve for digital structure issues at your organization in real time!

How Your Online Fundraising Stacks Up With 152 Canadian Charities

Brady Josephson, Vice President of Innovation & Optimization, NextAfter

We wanted to see what the current ‘best practices’ were in Canada when it came to online fundraising so we signed up for email and gave to 152 charities tracking the user experience and communications along the way.

In this session, you will learn what other organizations from across the country are doing — well and not so well — and what you can be doing to accelerate your online fundraising. From email communications, to landing page design, to donation page gift arrays, you’ll get tons of research backed tips and insights in this jam packed presentation.

Panel Conversation: The Digital Decision

A panel conversation moderated by Jessica Langelaan with three senior nonprofit leaders talking about why technology investments are an important strategy decision on their nonprofit. Learn from the experiences and challenges of three leaders with voices for the organisations, fundraising and programs.

  • Facilitator: Jessica Langelaan – Vice President of Non-Profit Solutions at Traction on Demand
  • Speaker 1: Heather Scott – Director of Development at The Terry Fox Foundation
  • Speaker 2: Gordon Matchett – CEO at Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
  • Speaker 3: Amanda Basi – Manager – Accessibility Certification at Rick Hansen Foundation


Case Study: From Paper Registration Sheets in Muddy Field to Tablets and Databases: How Grassroots Nonprofits Grow Up

Lyda Salatian, Founder and Executive Director, Green Teams of Canada

Learn how the Lower Mainland Green Team, leveraged to grow a membership of 3,700, but realized they couldn’t grown while volunteers filled out paper forms in the rain. After investing in a database they have transitioned to a self-serve model where invasive plant-pulling volunteers are using tablets and their own phones to track contributed hours and impact.

Test, Fail, Adapt, Win: Increase Your Chances of a Successful Campaign

Shoni Field, Chief Development Officer; Charly Jarrett, Digital Giving Officer, SPCA

Don’t get stuck in your plan’s tactics. Be adaptable. Shoni Field and Charly Jarrett tell the story of the holiday fundraising campaign that almost failed. Learn their recovery tactics and embrace the power of novelty.

Closing Keynote: Engagement Organizing – The Old Art and New Science of Winning Campaigns

Matt Price, Author and Campaign Consultant (Vancouver Island)

What separates campaigns that win from those that don’t? At any given moment, there are hundreds of campaigns under way that seek to persuade citizens or decision makers to think, act, or vote in a certain way. Engagement Organizing shows how to combine old-school people power with new digital tools and data to win campaigns today. Over a dozen case studies from NGOs, unions, and electoral campaigns highlight this work in practice. At a time of growing concern about what the future holds, this talk is an indispensable guide for seasoned campaigners as well as those just getting started, who want to apply the principles of engagement organizing to their own campaigns.