#Tech4Good Tips and Trends From THE EVENT THAT NEVER WAS (Because Snowmadgeddon 2020 Cancelled It)


Tamara Rahmani: Donations of Securities and Mutual Funds Simplified

Capital gains? Gifts in kind? Confused about the rules for donating securities and mutual funds to Canadian charities? Me too, which is why we invited Tamara Rahmani of CanadaHelps to present.

Mel Bilko: AI and Machine Learning

Keela’s Mel Bilko kindly shared a video recording of the session she would have presented: “AI & Machine Learning”.

Jessica Evans: How to Write Emails That Get Read (On MOBILE!)

Unable to make the NetSquared meetup event in Vancouver, BC due to a snowstorm, here’s Jessica Evans’s presentation, shot in one take, to keep it fair to other presenters!

Hopefully that will tide you over until the next Net2van meetup. πŸ˜‰