Remixology 4: the future of video on the web

Remixology - thirst-quenching media innovationNet Tuesday Vancouver is thrilled to be a sponsor of a collaborative opportunity with Fresh Media. Remixology is a series of bringing people together to sample and share ideas in discussions led by some of Vancouver’s best and brightest media remixologists.
On February 25th, 2011, in collaboration with W2 Community Media Arts Centre,  Remixology 4 will feature an interactive talk with Brett Gaylor (Director of RIP – Remix Manifesto) and Vancouver’s finest remixologists about the future of the video on the web.
Our Speaker//
Brett Gaylor is the project lead for Mozilla’s Web Made Movies project, an open video laboratory researching the intersection of video and the web. Before working with Mozilla, Brett directed the award wining documentary RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, created, helped found, and was a key creative at the Montreal-based production house EyeSteelFilm.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Doors 7pm | Talk 8pm
W2 Storyeum Salon (151 West Cordova)
$5 tickets in advance and $10 at the door
FYI – we sold out last time!
WHY //
Because inquiring minds need to discuss! Because connecting and collaborating matters. Because Vancouver needs a launch pad for media innovation, and we want you to be a part of it.
7pm – doors open –  food, music, cash bar and socializing.
8pm – Interactive talk with Brett Gaylor, video innovator, filmmaker, and director of RiP!: A Remix Manifesto
Following this the gathering will close with a collaboratory social/networking session including a cash bar and music

#NETCulture: Stories of Culture and Diversity in Social Media

Stories connect us to each other, our cultures, and the world. Come and hear from inspiring speakers reflecting our culturally diverse communities who will show how social media has helped them strengthen their identities, roots and friendships. How can Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other tools help you do the same? Ask the speakers in this interactive session. Afterwards, meet community leaders and social media activists at the after-party!

Tues April 5th
VPL Central Branch

Register FREE now on EVENTBRITE


Keynote Speaker: Kety Esquivel

* Veronica Heringer | Tribal DDB
* Ray Hsu + Zi-Ann Lum | Too Azn
* Jordana Mah | Schema Magazine
* RJ Aquino + Jay Catalan | Tulayan
* Norma Ibarra + Paola V Murillo | Latincouver
* Ashok Puri | Retiree + World Traveller

More info: FacebookMeetup

Tootin’ my own horn: I’m off to Australia!

Connecting Up conference 2011 in Melbourne AustraliaI’ve won a scholarship to participate in Australia’s Connecting Up conference this June.


From NTEN:

NTEN is pleased to announce the winners of our mutual scholarship program with Connecting Up to share nonprofit technology knowledge across the Pacific. Through an application process, two NTEN Members were chosen to attend the Connecting Up Conference (CU11) in Melbourne, Australia, June 1-3, 2011 on a full scholarship!

The lucky folks are Elijah van der Giessen of David Suzuki Foundation and Tatiana Marshall of Oceana. We look forward to hearing about their nonprofit technology adventures down under!

The conference focuses on nonprofit marketing and technology, and my role in Vancouver’s Net Tuesday was key to my successful application, because one of the application questions was “How will you share what you learned when you get back home?” Yay NetSquared and Net Tuesday!

Net Tuesday February 1: Should your nonprofit be selling merchandise?

CPAWS toqueDid your favorite nonprofit group send you an email over the holiday campaign season inviting you to buy a calendar, a t-shirt, or baby onesie? I certainly did.

As nonprofits struggle to adapt to changing donation patterns organizations like CPAWS, WWF and Pivot Legal are diversifying their revenue streams by selling merchandise to their supporters. But merchandise programs bring with them a host of new challenges, including inventory management, distraction from the core mission, and the potential to divert donors to a gift stream with lower net revenue.

But merchandise sales also bring lots of potential benefits. Join a panel of experts at Net Tuesday February and learn if selling merchandise is right for your organization.

Issues tackled:

  • Playlist for the Planet t-shirtsWhat makes for a successful sales program?
  • How do you determine your program’s goals?
  • How do you setup a program that will meet your goals?
  • Will merchandise clash with your organization’s values?
  • Can merchandise sales support other organizational goals besides fundraising? How can it be used as an employment creation program?

It’s gonna be an awesome evening, so please RSVP.

Date: Tuesday, February 1
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue: W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

RSVP on Meetup or Facebook.

Hope in Shadows 2011 calendar coverPANELISTS

Net Tuesday March 1: Location-based services


Have you recently “checked-in” or fought for “mayorship” at your favourite restaurant or retail location? With Facebook recently launching its Facebook Places and Foursquare partnering with (RED), location-based services are definitely one of the trending topics in social media right now.

Foursquare (social networking)
Image via Wikipedia

The topic for March is location-based services and how organizations can leverage the technology for social-change. We’re still in the process of curating speakers, so if you know anyone who is knowledgeable about these topics, please let us know at

Date: Tuesday, March 1
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue: W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

Special thanks to Melody Ma for volunteering to be this month’s event producer.

Net Tuesday April 5: Tips in Social Media Outreach in Culturally Diverse Communities

Social media has opened up an entirely new way for various ethno-cultural communities to connect and share their experiences that affect them. Through a panel discussion, we’ll hear relevant success stories from social media experts and also explore the commonalities and differences among the various communities using social media. We’ll also look at the way diverse communities consume social media (online vs mobile, for example) and what that means for the future. Come learn and share your experiences with us in this very unique session.

Tentative Schedule
630-7pm – people start coming to event
705-715pm – introductions
715-815pm – panel discussion
8-845pm – open dialogue (unconference format)
845-9pm – networking

Vancouver Public Library
Image via Wikipedia

Date: Tuesday, April 5
Location: Vancouver Public Library downtown branch


Background via @KetyE / Huffington Post

Special thanks to Ajay Puri and the Vancouver Public Library for producing this event with Net Tuesday.

Net Tuesday March 1: Location-based services


Have you recently “checked-in” or fought for “mayorship” at your favourite restaurant or retail location? With Facebook recently launching its Facebook Places and Foursquare partnering with (RED), location-based services are definitely one of the trending topics in social media right now.

Foursquare (social networking)
Image via Wikipedia

The topic for March is location-based services and how organizations can leverage the technology for social-change. We’re still in the process of curating speakers, so if you know anyone who is knowledgeable about these topics, please let us know at

Date: Tuesday, March 1
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue: W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

Special thanks to Melody Ma for volunteering to be this month’s event producer.

Net Tuesday February 1: Should your nonprofit be selling merchandise?

CPAWS toque

Net Tuesday - Should your nonprofit be selling merchandise?

Did your favorite nonprofit group send you an email over the holiday campaign season inviting you to buy a calendar, a t-shirt, or baby onesie?

As nonprofits struggle to adapt to changing donation patterns organizations like CPAWS, WWF and Pivot Legal are diversifying their revenue streams by selling merchandise to their supporters. But merchandise programs bring with them a host of new challenges, including inventory management, distraction from the core mission, and the potential to divert donors to a gift stream with lower net revenue.

But merchandise sales also bring lots of potential benefits.  Join a panel of experts at Net Tuesday February and learn if selling merchandise is right for your organization.

Issues tackled:

  • Playlist for the Planet t-shirtsWhat makes for a successful sales program?
  • How do you determine your program’s goals?
  • How do you setup a program that will meet your goals?
  • Will merchandise clash with your organization’s values?
  • Can merchandise sales support other organizational goals besides fundraising? How can it be used as an employment creation program?

It’s gonna be an awesome evening, so please RSVP.

Date: Tuesday, February 1
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue: W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

RSVP on Meetup or Facebook.

Hope in Shadows 2011 calendar coverPANELISTS

Net Tuesday April 5: Tips in Social Media Outreach in Culturally Diverse Communities

Social media has opened up an entirely new way for various ethno-cultural communities to connect and share their experiences that affect them. Through a panel discussion, we’ll hear relevant success stories from social media experts and also explore the commonalities and differences among the various communities using social media. We’ll also look at the way diverse communities consume social media (online vs mobile, for example) and what that means for the future. Come learn and share your experiences with us in this very unique session.

Tentative Schedule
630-7pm – people start coming to event
705-715pm – introductions
715-815pm – panel discussion
8-845pm – open dialogue (unconference format)
845-9pm – networking

Vancouver Public Library
Image via Wikipedia

Date: Tuesday, April 5
Location: Vancouver Public Library downtown branch


Background via @KetyE / Huffington Post

Special thanks to Ajay Puri and the Vancouver Public Library for producing this event with Net Tuesday.