2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,300 times in 2010. That’s about 3 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 29 new posts, not bad for the first year! There were 25 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 2mb. That’s about 2 pictures per month.

The busiest day of the year was April 12th with 147 views. The most popular post that day was Net Tuesday May 4: Event-based fundraising.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were facebook.com, twitter.com, meetup.com, netsquared.org, and nettuesday.ca.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for facebook causes canada, facebook causes, netsquared, free friends asking friends fundraising platform, and facebook causes in canada.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Net Tuesday May 4: Event-based fundraising April 2010


Facebook Causes donations no longer accepted in Canada May 2010


Net Tuesday June: How to turn your party into an EVENT May 2010


About April 2010


NetSquared Camp Vancouver: not an announcement April 2010

Net Tuesday December 2010 slides: Measuring Success with Google Analytics – which traffic sources are more likely to convert?

Thanks to everyone who came out to our December Net Tuesday meetup. December is a busy month!

Here’s my slides from the “Measuring Success with Google Analytics – which traffic sources are more likely to convert?” presentation.

[slideshare id=6085968&doc=nettuesdaydecember2010-101208213952-phpapp01]


I’m tickled to be one of the speakers at Social Media Marketing Unplugged. You should come!


(One-Day Conference – Master Real-World Social Media Marketing with 6 Top Practitioners)

If growing a successful business and marketing campaign is your goal for the new year, then this conference is not to be missed.

Register by Dec 20 and Save Up to 50% — Only Limited Space for this Offer. Find out more at http://www.socialmediaunplugged.ca

(Members of Net Tuesday Meetup receive an extra $20 off : Use Promo Code: nettue when registering.)

The growth of your business depends on how effective you are at marketing yourself, your products and your services. Traditionally, marketing has been an expensive endeavor that favours businesses with large marketing budgets, but that is no longer the case in the new social media economy. Small businesses with low to zero marketing budgets can effectively reach their target customers by leveraging the power of social media tools — Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, etc —  and compete on the same level with the big boys.

It’s no longer about how big your marketing budget is, but, rather, how well you are at utilizing social media tools to strategically construct effective marketing campaigns that translate into engaging customers and sales.

At the upcoming conference, Social Media Marketing Unplugged, conducted by 6 top social media marketing practitioners, you will gain the know-how, through real-world examples and case studies, to take your business and marketing campaign to new heights.  Limited Seating. Register Early to Avoid Disappointment!

Media Marketing Unplugged

A One-Day Conference Focusing on the How-To’s of Social Media Marketing

SFU Woodward’s, Vancouver

Saturday, January 29, 2011

9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Website: http://www.socialmediaunplugged.ca

Contact us: info@sociamediaunplugged.ca



Conducted by industry experts, at this one-day conference,

not only that you will learn how to effectively leverage the

power of social media tools for marketing, but also real

world examples and case-studies on how successful social

media marketing campaigns are developed, strategized and


You will come away with a clear road map of knowledge &

techniques to plan, develop and execute effective social

media marketing campaigns.

Visit our website & watch a video on the power of social media.


For more information about the speakers, visit our website.


– Why social media marketing

– Building trust and customer relations

– Planning and developing social media marketing strategies

– Implementing effective social media marketing strategies

– Social media for social change

– Measuring and determining your ROI

– Social media advertising

– Monetizing social media

– Social media and mobile marketing

– Case studies

Limited Seating. Register Early to Avoid Disappointment!

Early Registration is on now! Register Now and Save!


Net Tuesday December 2010 slides: Measuring Success with Google Analytics – which traffic sources are more likely to convert?

Thanks to everyone who came out to our December Net Tuesday meetup. December is a busy month!

Here’s my slides from the “Measuring Success with Google Analytics – which traffic sources are more likely to convert?” presentation.


I’m tickled to be one of the speakers at Social Media Marketing Unplugged. You should come!


(One-Day Conference – Master Real-World Social Media Marketing with 6 Top Practitioners)

If growing a successful business and marketing campaign is your goal for the new year, then this conference is not to be missed.

Find out more at http://www.socialmediaunplugged.ca

(Members of Net Tuesday Meetup receive an extra $20 off  – Use Promo Code nettue when registering.)

The growth of your business depends on how effective you are at marketing yourself, your products and your services. Traditionally, marketing has been an expensive endeavor that favours businesses with large marketing budgets, but that is no longer the case in the new social media economy. Small businesses with low to zero marketing budgets can effectively reach their target customers by leveraging the power of social media tools — Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, etc —  and compete on the same level with the big boys.

It’s no longer about how big your marketing budget is, but, rather, how well you are at utilizing social media tools to strategically construct effective marketing campaigns that translate into engaging customers and sales.

At the upcoming conference, Social Media Marketing Unplugged, conducted by 6 top social media marketing practitioners, you will gain the know-how, through real-world examples and case studies, to take your business and marketing campaign to new heights.  Limited Seating.Register Early to Avoid Disappointment!

Media Marketing Unplugged

A One-Day Conference Focusing on the How-To’s of Social Media Marketing

SFU Woodward’s, Vancouver

Saturday, January 29, 2011

9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Website: http://www.socialmediaunplugged.ca

Contact us: info@sociamediaunplugged.ca



Conducted by industry experts, at this one-day conference,

not only that you will learn how to effectively leverage the

power of social media tools for marketing, but also real

world examples and case-studies on how successful social

media marketing campaigns are developed, strategized and


You will come away with a clear road map of knowledge &

techniques to plan, develop and execute effective social

media marketing campaigns.

Visit our website & watch a video on the power of social media.


For more information about the speakers, visit our website.


  • Why social media marketing
  • Building trust and customer relations
  • Planning and developing social media marketing strategies
  • Implementing effective social media marketing strategies
  • Social media for social change
  • Measuring and determining your ROI
  • Social media advertising
  • Monetizing social media
  • Social media and mobile marketing
  • Case studies

Limited Seating. Register Early to Avoid Disappointment!

Early Registration is on now! Register Now and Save!


Net Tuesday December – Group buying and conversion-tracking in Google Analytics

Hey Net Tuesday-ers,

I’m thrilled to announce that the December Net Tuesday will feature a panel on group buying sites (like Groupon) and a case study demonstrating the use of conversion tracking in Google Analytics. It’s gonna be awesome, so please RSVP.

Date: Tuesday, December 7
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue:  W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

RSVP on Facebook or Meetup

Group buying and deals panel

You’ve probably heard about Groupon, the daily deal site that offers discounts if a minimum number of purchase commitments are made. They’ve already got 18 million subscribers and are continuing to grow rapidly. But did you know that Groupon evolved out of  the social-change focused online community The Point?

  • How can nonprofits and social entrepreneurs make use of Groupon and Groupon-like sites?
  • What’s the best way to structure the deal?
  • Is it right for you and your organization?

Join panelists Annalea Krebs of ethicalDeal and Chris Mathieson of the Vancouver Police Museum as they share their experiences from both the business and client sides of the relationship.

Case study: Conversion tracking with Google Analytics goals

Eli van der Giessen rips apart the David Suzuki Foundation’s recent action alert and uses it as a case study to demonstrate how to use Google Analytics goal-tracking and link tagging to measure which traffic sources are most useful. Which group is more likely to complete an action? Email subscribers or Facebook Like-ers?

Our Sponsor:

A special thanks to our venue sponsor W2 Community Media Arts Society.

Our panelists:

Chris Mathieson is the Executive Director of the Vancouver Police Museum, a self-funded charity that has seen incredible growth (from 3000 to 25,000 visitors a year) over the last five years, partly by being unafraid to take small risks in social media and other emerging technologies.

A few additional notes from Chris:

“- We’ve offered two Groupons since they launched in the Vancouver, one for museum admission and one for our “Sins of the City” walking tour. Both offers were very carefully crafted to benefit us while minimizing our risks, something some companies don’t seem to be doing. Both were significant successes for us, but only because we were thoughtful about what we were doing. (We hope…)”

Annalea Krebs is a passionate social entrepreneur whose vision and energy to build a brighter, more sustainable future inspires those around her. She believes that business can be a powerful force for change, and loves companies that are built to make the world better. For Annalea, ethicalDeal is an opportunity to introduce more people to sustainable businesses, products & services.

Prior to founding ethicalDeal, Annalea managed the sales, marketing and community relations for various social enterprises and green businesses including: TheChange.com, Values-Based Business Network, Organic Islands Festival & Sustainability Expo, ICE Promotions and the Canadian Social Entrepreneurship Foundation. Annalea holds a degree in Commerce from Royal Roads University, a Diploma of Technology from BCIT and is a graduate of Leadership Vancouver.

Net Tuesday December – Group buying and Google Analytics Goals

Hey Net Tuesday-ers,

I’m thrilled to announce that the December Net Tuesday will feature a panel on group buying sites (like Groupon) and a case study demonstrating the use of conversion tracking in Google Analytics. It’s gonna be awesome, so please RSVP.

Date: Tuesday, December 7
Doors: 5:30pm
Duration: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Venue:  W2 Storyeum, 151 W Cordova

RSVP on Facebook or Meetup

Group buying and deals panel

You’ve probably heard about Groupon, the daily deal site that offers discounts if a minimum number of purchase commitments are made. They’ve already got 18 million subscribers and are continuing to grow rapidly. But did you know that Groupon evolved out of  the social-change focused online community The Point?

  • How can nonprofits and social entrepreneurs make use of Groupon and Groupon-like sites?
  • What’s the best way to structure the deal?
  • Is it right for you and your organization?

Join panelists Annalea Krebs of ethicalDeal and Chris Mathieson of the Vancouver Police Museum as they share their experiences from both the business and client sides of the relationship.

Case study: Conversion tracking with Google Analytics goals

Eli van der Giessen rips apart the David Suzuki Foundation’s recent action alert and uses it as a case study to demonstrate how to use Google Analytics goal-tracking and link tagging to measure which traffic sources are most useful. Which group is more likely to complete an action? Email subscribers or Facebook Like-ers?

Our Sponsor:

A special thanks to our venue sponsor W2 Community Media Arts Society.

Our panelists:

Chris Mathieson is the Executive Director of the Vancouver Police Museum, a self-funded charity that has seen incredible growth (from 3000 to 25,000 visitors a year) over the last five years, partly by being unafraid to take small risks in social media and other emerging technologies.

A few additional notes from Chris:

“- We’ve offered two Groupons since they launched in the Vancouver, one for museum admission and one for our “Sins of the City” walking tour. Both offers were very carefully crafted to benefit us while minimizing our risks, something some companies don’t seem to be doing. Both were significant successes for us, but only because we were thoughtful about what we were doing. (We hope…)”

Annalea Krebs is a passionate social entrepreneur whose vision and energy to build a brighter, more sustainable future inspires those around her. She believes that business can be a powerful force for change, and loves companies that are built to make the world better. For Annalea, ethicalDeal is an opportunity to introduce more people to sustainable businesses, products & services.

Prior to founding ethicalDeal, Annalea managed the sales, marketing and community relations for various social enterprises and green businesses including: TheChange.com, Values-Based Business Network, Organic Islands Festival & Sustainability Expo, ICE Promotions and the Canadian Social Entrepreneurship Foundation. Annalea holds a degree in Commerce from Royal Roads University, a Diploma of Technology from BCIT and is a graduate of Leadership Vancouver.

Net Tuesday November notes – online video for nonprofits

W2 Community Media ArtsThanks to everyone for coming out and making the panel work (all those hard questions!) A special shout-out goes to W2 Community Media Arts Society, who provided the venue.

Special thanks to panelists:

There’s been an interesting discussion on Pull Focus’ Meatless Mondays video on the Meetup.com page. And you can watch the original “Meathead” video on Youtube.

Resources and presentation slides:


Videos examples from event:

Free audio resources:

Other cool resources:

Links via Miraj Khaled

Other than youtube grants, projects with feature length video ideas may benefit from the examples &
grant/awards at the Skoll foundation & Participant Media

A youtube success story: one-man’s video journey to change the world

New ways to learn & collaborate:

The Slides:
[slideshare id=5734168&doc=nettuesdaynovember2010-video-101110233237-phpapp01]