Random Hacks of Kindness Vancouver

Net Tuesday pals PeaceGeeks are organizing a Random Hacks of Kindness hackathon this fall. If you’re a developer or a nonprofit with a project idea you should go. RSVP with PeaceGeeks.


November 30, 2012 – 5:00pm to December 2, 2012 – 5:00pm
116 West Hastings, 2nd floor
Vancouver  British Columbia  V6B 1G8



What is Random Hacks of Kindness?

Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is a global movement that connects developers from around the world with local non-profit organizations to help solve technological challenges. This year, PeaceGeeks is excited to host the first RHoK event in Vancouver, presented by EMC.

The Vancouver event will open the evning of November 30th with a reception and project presentation. This will be followed by a two-day hackathon on Saturday December 1 and Sunday December 2. We expect to have between 80 and 100 developers, designers and project participants helping on up to 10 different projects that help to solve technology and communciations challenges for non-profit organization both in Vancouver and around the world.

What is a Global Event?

The Vancouver event will occur in tandem with events in over 20 cities around the world with more than 1000 participants working on different projects.

Who should participate in RHoK?

You should participate in RHoK Vancouver if you are passionate about using technology to help solve real world problems and if you have the following skills:

  • developer/ programmer (games, websites, software, mobile apps, etc.)
  • designer (web, games, apps, user interface, user experience expert, etc.)
  • project analysts (project managers, quality assurance testers, process mappers, etc.)
  • communications experts (copy writers, social media gurus, etc.)
  • other skills that might help to create awesome projects


How it will work

  • Project submissions: Starting in November, the RHoK Vancouver team will be recruiting potential projects for the event on December. A projects team will work with partners to clearly defining and refining both the problem and potential solution.
  • Project presentations: On Friday November 30, participants will be invited to the opening event reception. During the reception, representatives from up to 10 non-profit organizations will present their organization, problem and proposed project to participants. Following the presentations, participants will decide which project they will work on over the course of the weekend.
  • Project execution: On Saturday and Sunday (December 1st and 2nd), participants will work on the project they have chosen until 5pm on Sunday evening. We will then give each team 5 minutes to present their project to the group. A panel of judges will award prizes to the top 3 teams.


Who are our event sponsors (so far)?

We are very grateful to the following sponsors for helping us to make this event possible:

Global RHoKstar — Title Sponsor: EMC

RHoKstar Extraordinaire: Informatica

RHoK & Roller: GrowLab (Venue Sponsor)

Little RHoKers: