Net Tuesday November notes – online video for nonprofits

W2 Community Media ArtsThanks to everyone for coming out and making the panel work (all those hard questions!) A special shout-out goes to W2 Community Media Arts Society, who provided the venue.

Special thanks to panelists:

There’s been an interesting discussion on Pull Focus’ Meatless Mondays video on the page. And you can watch the original “Meathead” video on Youtube.

Resources and presentation slides:


Videos examples from event:

Free audio resources:

Other cool resources:

Links via Miraj Khaled

Other than youtube grants, projects with feature length video ideas may benefit from the examples &
grant/awards at the Skoll foundation & Participant Media

A youtube success story: one-man’s video journey to change the world

New ways to learn & collaborate:

The Slides:
[slideshare id=5734168&doc=nettuesdaynovember2010-video-101110233237-phpapp01]

Proposed Net Tuesday – Nonprofits and video

I’m plotting a topic for the Net Tuesday November meetup, and Ben Johnson suggested “video.”

What do you think? Are you interested in this topic? And do you know of any Vancouver nonprofits who are doing interesting work with video? Please let me know in the comments or by emailing

Potential items to be presented and discussed:

  1. Youtube grants for nonprofits
  2. Youtube captioning and translation
  3. How to convert to actions using your videos (annotationscall-to-action overlays, sign-up forms)
  4. How to recruit video production assistance (volunteers, interns, etc)
  5. How can video help advance the mission, and is it worth the time? Examples from fundraising, advocacy, education.

How to add captions to your Youtube videos in English and French

My parents have a hell of a time explaining to their friends just what it is I do at work. And who can blame them, since it’s a bit jack-of-all-trades-y.

And so, for their edification, I present a summary of a recent project.


Subtitling videos used to be VERY time consuming. It would take a volunteer all day to transcribe the video, time the in and out points for each line of dialog, and then enter it all into Final Cut Pro. Ick!

Naturally, we avoided translating most of the video clips we produce. Which makes the David Suzuki Foundation’s Quebec office very sad. <le boo hoo. le sigh>

But now, through the magic of Google’s translation service and Youtube’s automatic transcription and timing features, we can subtitle a video with 30 minutes of effort.  That means we can easily make all our videos bilingual.

Check it out!

(to turn on the captioning click the triangle button in the bottom right of the Youtube player and then hover over your language)

Here’s step-by-step instructions on how to add French subtitles to a Youtube video:

  1. Upload your video to
  2. Get Youtube to transcribe your video by going to the “Captions and Subtitles” tab Youtube Captions and Subtitle tab
  3. Instruct Youtube to transcribe your video, then wait about an hour.
  4. Download the “English:Machine Transcription” file
  5. Clean up the Transcription file in a text editor, because Youtube’s translation is wonky! (“police team is wasted energy”??)
  6. Upload your corrected text file (but keep the “.sbv” extension” to Youtube

Congratulations! You now have a clean caption file in Youtube that can be automatically translated into dozens of languages.
Translation magic from Youtube

But what if “good-enough” isn’t good enough for you? What if you need a perfect translation?

  1. Cut and paste your timed caption text into Google Translate and let it work its magic
  2. Get a native-speaker to review and correct the translation
  3. Upload the corrected text to Youtube (remember to change your text file’s extension to “.sbv ” and if you’re dealing with a language with accents save the file in UTF-8 format.)

And you’re done!

Helpful links: