Young social innovators event series

Young? Care about things? Here’s some events of interest!

The BC Advisory Council on Social Entrepreneurship wants to get younger social entrepreneurs and innovators involved in their recommendations to the BC government.

A Lightning Pitch Event on March 6th will feature 90 second pitches from some of the most exciting initiatives from under 30’s in BC (and cash prizes!), and provide ample opportunity to network with emerging and established social change leaders, including members of the Council.

On March 10th we’re hosting a follow-up Speak Up!mini-conference for youth and youth serving organizations to generate more specific recommendations and feedback based on the Advisory Councils draft report (see below).

Information and registration links here:

Lightening Pitch Event (March 6th – $10)

Speak Up! (mini-conference) (March 10th – free)

Your Feedback is Needed – The BC Advisory Council on Social Entrepreneurship is about to present recommendations to the BC government on advancing social innovation in the province, and wants to hear from young social innovators before they finalize their report. Their draft report can be found here.

Please share your thoughts at the following link: