Who would you recommend for Net2van’s conference?

The Digital Nonprofit-logo-crop

NetSquared Vancouver (aka Net Tuesday) is planning our fourth annual conference for nonprofit technologists and this year we’re inviting senior leaders from the charitable sector to join the conversation.

I’m reaching out to you because you are connected and a leader when it comes to nonprofits creating real online strategies. Can you recommend two speakers to me? (nominating yourself is acceptable!)

What I’m looking for: a strategic thinker and innovator with an expertise in the nonprofit sector who can help nonprofit leaders think clearly about what’s important as their organizations inevitably become internet-centric.

We are recruiting experienced, polished speakers who have the energy to captivate an audience of approximately 100.

Format: our target length for presentations is 20 minutes (with one opportunity for a 1 hour keynote)

Honorarium: $200

Location: given our budget we are targeting speakers within a 4 hour radius

The nomination

Please forward the presenter(s) name, email address and one sentence about their area of expertise. If you have a link to a video of a prior presentation even better!

Send your nominations to eli@net2van.com

Event details follow


Date: Friday, May 9, 2014. 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Location: Creekside Community Centre, Vancouver BC.

Tickets: http://goo.gl/FKKWe0

# of attendees: 100

The Digital Nonprofit

How can nonprofit organizations make technology a benefit, not a burden?

There’s an expectation that your organization has to be constantly connected to the web and responsive 24/7.You’re on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and all the rest, but are you achieving your mission?

Join leaders from the nonprofit and technology sectors who will show you how to move beyond reactive tactics to thoughtful strategy.

This one day conference is specifically designed to help NGOs build their understanding of current and future trends, hear from the experts, and learn about innovative approaches to digital engagement.

Who should attend?

  • Nonprofit leaders who are responsible for their organization’s strategy
  • Digital staff and fundraisers who execute online campaigns
  • Program and support staff who want to work more effectively to engage their stakeholders