JASON MOGUS: How to win in the 21st Century

The Digital Nonprofit Conference is ready to take you and your organization to the next level of tech success. This year’s line up of presenters includes experts in the tech, nonprofit and private sectors, delivering deep dive discussions on topics ranging from:

  • Capacity planning in the digital world
  • Choosing the right tech tools to suit your organization’s values
  • Cultivating digital talent
  • Digital fundraising & donor engagement
  • Building community engagement strategies with corporate partners

Discover our full line-up of experts in the conference agenda .

How to win in the 21st Century

Non-profits, governments, and civil society groups are not immune from the disruption digital networks have wrought in every other aspect of society. Jason and his team recently studied 40 campaigns, companies, and organizations that have recently won substantial social change efforts, and analyzed the common principles underlying their success. The results lined up with a career spent studying (and living) digital networks and movements.

Jason will be sharing the results of this research in Vancouver for the first time – a month before its official international launch. These principles of 21st Century campaigns will be combined with stories that bring them to live, and approaches to make them practical for organizations of all sizes and stripes.

Jason Mogus

Jason Mogus
Twitter: @MogusMoves

Jason is the principal strategist at Communicopia, a strategy consultancy that helps social change institutions become more like movements. With more than twenty years of digital transformation and campaign experience, he has led projects for some of the world’s most recognized social change brands including Human Rights Watch, the Tar Sands Solutions Network, NRDC, Consumer Reports, the UN Foundation, and the David Suzuki Foundation. Jason is the founder of the 15 year old Web of Change conference and he created the world’s first research report on the state of digital teams in non-profits. A recognized thought leader in the fields of network campaigns, digital teams, and organizational change catalyzed by technology, in 2014 Jason was named a Leadership Fellow at the Broadbent Institute.