SLIDES AND VIDEO: $ocial Media? Using small wins to grow social media revenue


Ever heard it said “there’s no ‘$’ in social media. Just a plain old letter ‘s’?” Many organizations have found that a strong social media presence has not yet translated directly into significant fundraising revenue.

Shoni Field shares the BC SPCA’s experiences using a ‘small wins’ approach to growing their social media sourced revenue. This video was recorded at NetSquared Vancouver’s September 2, 2014 meetup.

Video: Shoni’s Presentation

Video: Needs Parade Community Updates

Shoni Field for Net2van
Shoni Field
As Director of Fundraising Innovation at the BC SPCA, Shoni Field explores dynamic opportunities in micro-campaign and peer-to-peer fundraising that deeply engages their support base. Shoni has eighteen years of experience in direct response fundraising. She has worked with a range of non-profits including The Pembina Institute, Imagine1Day, EcoJustice, The Arthritis Society and the B.C. Cancer Agency.