#NPtech Trend: Virtual Reality for Nonprofits with @leenaminifie

Virtual Reality for Nonprofits With Leena Minifie

 Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Text Messaging for Campaigning with @leahebae

Text Messaging for Campaigning With Leah Bae

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Hypertargeting Your Message with @dbarefoot

Hypertargeting your Message with Darren Barefoot

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

Five Experts Share their Top Nonprofit Technology Trends for 2018

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Video clips are courtesy of Gillian Vrooman and photos are by Rohit Nundy.

Hypertargeting your Message with Darren Barefoot

Text Messaging for Campaigning With Leah Bae

Dark Social and Dark Posts with Ashleigh Turner

Practical Security for Nonprofits: Spectre and Meltdown With Kris Constable

Virtual Reality for Nonprofits With Leena Minifie

Cryptocurrencies for Nonprofits With Kris Constable

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

Privacy Processes for Nonprofits Resources

Net2van’s November event focused on Privacy Processes for Nonprofits. We recorded a video of Ale Brown’s workshop in case you couldn’t make it.


Ale and Kirke Management Consulting have also generously shared some templates and key resources you can use as you build or revise your privacy policy.

Thanks for joining the Security and Privacy Processes for Non Profits. We hope the information shared was helpful for you and gave you a better understanding of what to do to be Privacy compliant.

We will appreciate if you spend 5 minutes filling out the following survey to give us your feedback and provide feedback so we can improve future Kirke events: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TJX8FGQ

Here are the resources we promised. We hope they help guide you through the process:

  1. Privacy Questionnaire and Privacy Program Checklist.
  2. Privacy Policy Checklist for NFP from Charity Central.
  3. Privacy and Data Concerns for NFP from Techsoup Canada.
  4. Minimizing the risk of a data breach: a guide for NFP organizations.

We thank you for the opportunity to share this interesting topic with you and we look forward to meeting again in the near future.

The Kirke Management Consulting group

Photojournalism for Nonprofits: 7 Shots for Storytelling

Sick of getting the same repetitive images? Yes? Then this talk is for you.

Everything has a story, from your staff to your groceries, it’s probably just not being told very well. By the end of this session you’ll know the 7 shot types used in story telling, how to create a storyboard/shot list, and get some Q/A time to focus on your organizations image struggles.


Screencast: Slides and Audio

Livestream from Facebook


Kurtis has been a Freelance Photographer (kurtisstewart.com) since 2007. He photographs pretty much everything but kids and pets (…if he can help it). When he’s not hoisting a camera of his own, he’s teaching others to use theirs properly at Langara College and Vancouver Film School. It may seem like Kurtis is all work and no play but in between work and juggling many volunteer positions he enjoys coaching Ultimate frisbee and cycling around the city on his bike Clarence.

Nonprofit Tech Events in Vancouver: September Edition

Hey friends, there’s lots of great events for the nonprofit tech community. Check ’em out! Or for the latest updates join our group on Facebook and follow us on twitter at #Net2van.


Most NetSquared events are free, so don’t be shy – come join us!

Agile Practice for Nonprofits

When: Tuesday, September 12
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/239462366/

Everyone is talking about Agile… But what does it actually mean? And how can I benefit from using agile frameworks like scrum or kanban?

Helga Breuer is a passionate Agile Coach with 15 years of international experience in the software development area over a wide range of industries.

In this workshop you will learn about the roots and benefits of Agile. Get inspired to apply that mindset to your daily work, using frameworks like scrum or kanban. Helga will present a valuable hands-on overview with tangible exercises and examples, that will show you, how to get started. Learn how to increase your throughput while focusing on your most important values and goals.

Pints Not Profits: Field Trip to Vancouver Hackspace

When: Thursday, September 28
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/240188789/

Pints Not Profits – let’s bring nonprofit techies together over a pint after work. We’ll meet at Vancouver Hackspace (VHS) – The community garage for a community without garages!

This will be an informal opportunity to chat about #Tech4Good, meet new people, and learn about a community space that has all the tools you’d ever need to make your ideas come to life.

There will be an informal soldering workshop where you can make your own LED blinking badge. VHS runs the "learn to solder" booth every year at the Vancouver Mini Makerfaire, and for $5 worth of parts, you can build your own blinking PCB button badge!

Photojournalism for Nonprofits

When: Monday, October 2
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/241883375/

Sick of getting the same repetitive images? Yes? Then this talk is for you.

Everything has a story, from your staff to your groceries, it’s probably just not being told very well. By the end of this session you’ll know the 7 shot types used in story telling, how to create a storyboard/shot list, and get some Q/A time to focus on your organizations image struggles.

How Delivering Webinars Can Benefit Your Mission

When: Tuesday, October 24
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/net2van/events/241907428/

Webinars. We’ve all been in them. But have you organized or delivered one?

This Net2Van session will have two of our volunteer organizers, Tonya and Chad, share case studies of why their organizations pursued webinars as part of fulfilling their mission. We’ll cover pros and cons of the medium, best practices and things learned the hard way, benchmark webinar platforms, and walk you through the process of delivering a successful webinar: planning, recruiting speakers, marketing, delivery techniques, and follow-up.


Here’s a selection of upcoming learning opportunities specifically for nonprofits. If you have a suggestion for our next monthly event email us at info@net2van.com.

We also recommend you check out the workshops from our friends at Vantage Point and Ladies Learning Code, Camp Tech, Red Academy, Groundswell, and Spring.

Scotiabank Philanthropic Advisory Forum

When: September 13
RSVP: https://ers.snapuptickets.com/ers/online-registration-conference-form.cfm?event=2340&lan=eng

Scotiabank is once again pleased to be hosting its annual Philanthropic Advisory Forum on Wednesday, September 13, at Scotiabank Theatre.

Introduction to Project Management for Nonprofits

When: Saturday, September 16
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/introduction-to-project-management-for-nonprofits-tickets-35906714951

The objective of this workshop is to introduce Non-Profit leaders to the practice of project management. You will learn how project management can assist you in successfully planning and completing initiatives through the use of basic project management tools and processes.

Xlerate Day Vancouver 2017

When: Thursday, September 28
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/xlerate-day-vancouver-2017-tickets-33941451796

Join us for a conference experience unlike the rest — the first-ever Canadian conference dedicated to integrated fundraising, marketing and campaigning for nonprofits and charities. Xlerate is an experience carefully curated by nonprofit marketers, fundraisers and agency professionals who are committed to advancing integrated marketing for nonprofits and charities. Join us for a relaxed day with other nonprofit leaders, designed to inspire your creativity and promote conversation and learning.

Volunteer Futures Symposium

When: October 4 + 5
Registration: https://volunteerbc.silkstart.com/events/volunteer-futures-symposium-2017
Join BCACG & Volunteer BC – at VOLUNTEER FUTURES SYMPOSIUM 2017 – WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY. Annual Training Event for Volunteers, Non-Profits & Charities.

Cost-effective event known for its inspiring keynote addresses, practical workshops and relevant sessions with plenty of opportunities to network with colleagues and volunteers from across BC.

Anyone wanting to learn more about volunteerism and non-profit/charities sector can attend. Sign language interpreters are available making this event accessible for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Topics: Technology for non-profits, engaging youth, volunteer management, diversity in leadership & more.

Keynotes: Bill Walters, DiverseCity onBoard & David Battey, Founder of Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC)

Registration fees include: All sessions, breakfast, lunch, coffee & refreshments.

AFP Breakfast Event: The Art of the Ask

When: Thursday, October 12
RSVP: https://www.afpvancouver.org/events/breakfast-event-art-ask

BOSS: BC’s Not-For-Profit Leadership Conference

When: October 13
RSVP: http://bossvancouver.com/

Vantage Point’s innovative one-day leadership conference will once again convene seasoned and emerging leaders, board members and volunteers in a shared space to develop competencies, skills and tools.

Psychology for Digital Behavior Change – Vancouver (2-day Workshop)

When: November 14-15, 2017
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/psychology-for-digital-behavior-change-training-week-vancouver-registration-30143121889

Over two days, you will learn the most mission critical lessons in digital psychology, and gain mastery in recognizing and applying over 40 principles of persuasive design psychology. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to reverse-engineer the psychological patterns behind the world’s most successful websites, apps, ads and social media. You will also know how to translate psychological strategies into creative content, and understand how to optimize impacts over time.

Emotion & Motivation for Digital Behavior Change – Vancouver (2-day Workshop)

When: November 16-17, 2017
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/psychology-for-digital-behavior-change-training-week-vancouver-registration-30143121889

This 2-day workshop provides participants with a deep understanding of emotional design, by covering the essential lessons in the psychology and neuroscience of user emotion, motivation, cognition, and behavior. This workshop focuses on interactive design and content strategies aimed at evoking positive emotions, and design patterns that will help you avoid accidentally triggering negative user emotions.

National Philanthropy Day

When: Thursday, November 16
RSVP: https://www.afpvancouver.org/national-philanthropy-day/20th-annual-national-philanthropy-day-luncheon-summit

Join us as we celebrate philanthropy in Vancouver for the 20th straight year. Dr. David Suzuki and Severn Cullis-Suzuki will make a keynote presentation on the impact of philanthropy in their lives. Includes a 3-course plated lunch.

CanRoots West

When: November 16 – 18
RSVP: http://canroots.organizebc.ca/join_us_in_vancouver

CanRoots convenes organizers from across issues to learn, celebrate, and grow together. Attendees share best practices, hard-learned lessons, new ideas and inspire each other. This is a great gathering of progressive organizers working on some of the most important issues of our times.

Mission: Introduction to Project Management for Nonprofits

When: Saturday, November 18
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/introduction-to-project-management-for-nonprofits-tickets-35906786164?aff=rss

The objective of this workshop is to introduce Non-Profit leaders to the practice of project management. You will learn how project management can assist you in successfully planning and completing initiatives through the use of basic project management tools and processes.


Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let us know! Tweet at us using the hashtag #net2van.


Free Tech Work at RED Academy

RED Academy is looking for suitable organizations to get free digital work done by our students! Our students specialize in digital marketing, user experience design, user interface design, front-end web, and application development. Apply at https://www.redacademy.com/community-projects.

Free Consulting with The Community Corps

The Community Corps connects nonprofits and schools to free online help from skilled tech volunteers from top companies who can assist with technology related projects. Volunteers can help with training on software like Excel and Salesforce to updating websites, or providing unbiased advice on a hardware or software purchase. To get started create your account and post a request for tech help.


Free Geek Vancouver

Free Geek is a nonprofit community organization located in East Van that reduces the environmental impact of waste electronics by reusing and recycling donated technology. Through community engagement we provide education, job skills training, Internet access and free or low cost computers to the public. We’ve got electronics at the same price as Craigslist, but with a warranty. http://freegeekvancouver.org


If you have a job to share reach out on Twitter using the hashtag #net2van or post to our free jobs board.

Tuition discount for Friends of Groundswell Social Ventures

Here’s a special discount offer from our friends at Groundswell

Here is an opportunity to build a future for yourself that is aligned with your values and supported by an expanding community of social entrepreneurs: the Groundswell Social Venture program gives you practical business education, confidence, and tools you need to help you create a small business, non-profit or cooperative organization with an experienced team of mentors that have founded and helped establish 100+ social ventures.

As a friend of Groundswell, our community – that’s you! – is being offered a $200 discount on Groundswell’s Social Venture program. Use code FOG to redeem and apply at: www.groundswellcommunity.ca

The deadline to apply is July 30th.

Watch videos of current and past participants at: www.groundswellcommunity.ca/stories