Where’s your money at? Join our free nonprofit accounting workshops in April

Tickets are still available for our June 11 The Digital Nonprofit conference. Use this link to save $24.

🎶 la la la wait till i get my money right 🎤

Where’s your nonprofit’s money at? NetSquared Vancouver wants to help!

Nonprofits have it tough. Not only are you working with a limited budget, you are also required meet a high level of compliance. Concerns and confusion around compliance can eat up precious resources and distract you from achieving your mission.

We have two FREE nonprofit accounting events in April. The first offers an overview of nonprofit accounting best practices and the second goes hands-on (so bring your laptop and questions!)

If your nonprofit doesn’t have its books in order, then ensuring you are compliant with tax regulations can be a real drain on resources. Accounting software can help, but only if you know how to use it effectively.


A warm welcome to our newest sponsor, the Vancouver Community Network. With their support we’ll be providing pizza at all our free meetups for the next year. Whoooo!

We love:


Here’s a selection of upcoming learning opportunities specifically for nonprofits. If you have a suggestion for our next monthly event email us at info@net2van.com.

Tableau Training: Telling stories with data

When: April 18
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tableau-training-telling-stories-with-data-tickets-44192806875

This two-day, hands-on workshop with award-winning data journalist Chad Skelton will teach you the fundamentals of Tableau, the world’s leading data visualization software, as well as the principles of data storytelling.

Rose Charities 20th Anniversary Weekend Conference

When: April 21 – 22
RSVP: https://www.rosecanada.info/conference/

Workshops on many aspects of project organization and management shared by most field active NGO’s.


Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let us know! Tweet at us using the hashtag #net2van.


If you have a job to share reach out on Twitter @net2van or post to our free jobs board.

#NPtech Trend: Cryptocurrencies for Nonprofits with @cqwww

Cryptocurrencies for Nonprofits With Kris Constable

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Virtual Reality for Nonprofits with @leenaminifie

Virtual Reality for Nonprofits With Leena Minifie

 Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Virtual Reality for Nonprofits with @leenaminifie

Virtual Reality for Nonprofits With Leena Minifie

 Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Practical Security for Nonprofits: Spectre and Meltdown with @cqwww

Practical Security for Nonprofits: Spectre and Meltdown With Kris Constable

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Dark Social and Dark Posts with @sexwithashleigh

Dark Social and Dark Posts with Ashleigh Turner

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Text Messaging for Campaigning with @leahebae

Text Messaging for Campaigning With Leah Bae

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.

#NPtech Trend: Hypertargeting Your Message with @dbarefoot

Hypertargeting your Message with Darren Barefoot

Trend or Fad? What do nonprofits need to do to stay current? NetSquared Vancouver invited five local experts to share their predictions for the most important technology developments for nonprofits in 2018.

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors, too.