December 3: Data Visualization – What is my data really saying?

A guide to the use of visualization tools to such as QlikView, Tableau to help see the wood for the trees. or how you can use these tools to guide your campaign.


When: Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Where: HiVE Vancouver, #210 – 128 W Hastings St.



  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: Networking and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 PM: presentation
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Q&A and Wrap


Working within the Software Development and Business Intelligence sphere (though that covers pretty much anything) but pushing the envelope of process, systems and interactions to deliver salient usable and simple solutions.

Interface and API wrangler, somehow I will make the systems talk and show their true face. I love scripting and small application design development and production.

Really I enjoy anything where I can merge computers and people hopefully making life easier for both sides. Give me problem and I will deliver you a solution.

– From linkedin profile


  • Event hashtag: #Net2van
  • Host: @Net2van
  • Presenter: @Dreffed
  • Venue sponsor: @HiVEvancouver


Mobility Access: This venue does not have ramps and elevators and is not wheelchair accessible.

Hearing Access: Speakers at this event will use microphones.

Sight Access: Contact the organizers if you need an advance copy of the presentation.

We want everyone to be able to participate in the Net2Van community and events. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.


November 5: How I Pushed A Campaign From A Floating Village

In November of 2012, Romila Barryman launched a research based campaign that gathered interviews and surveys of geographical and cultural issues of scholarship recipients on the island of Borneo, Indonesia. This NetSquared event delves into the basics of demographic analysis, test campaigns, brand culture – and the importance of storytelling a kick-ass message.


When: Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Where: HiVE Vancouver, #210 – 128 W Hastings St.



  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: Networking and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 PM: presentation
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Q&A and Wrap


Romila Barryman loves the eyebrows that raise when she introduces herself as a Professional Storyteller. With a background in broadcasting, she has given breath into social media and live blogs for Help-Portrait Vancouver and Flow 95.3. She is also known for her work abroad and can often be found in floating villages or occasional rice fields pushing out beautifully illustrated campaigns for The hoshiZora Foundation. Romila currently spends her days exploring Vancouver’s rich array of food carts and creating engaging digital content as the Director of Marketing for StaffCrunch.


  • Event hashtag: #Net2van
  • Host: @Net2van
  • Presenter: @msromilab
  • Venue sponsor: @HiVEvancouver


Mobility Access: This venue does not have ramps and elevators and is not wheelchair accessible.

Hearing Access: Speakers at this event will use microphones.

Sight Access: Contact the organizers if you need an advance copy of the presentation.

We want everyone to be able to participate in the NetSquared Vancouver community and events. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.


Net Tuesday October 1: Enhancing your Story with Digital Tools

Enhancing your Story with Digital Tools

So we know you’ve got story
Your community knows it, your board knows it, you know it.
But is having a great story enough?

We are in a digital age, let me share my favourite digital storytelling tools.

  • How to create consistency across all your social media using a Story Archetype.
  • How to choose the characters that will invoke emotion in your community.
  • How to use free tools to enhance the story, there are 100s but I’ll choose my favourite 5 we can open the floor for 5 from the crowd.


When: Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 5:30 PM To 8:00 PM
Where: HiVE Vancouver, #210 – 128 W Hastings St, Vancouver, BC.



  • 5:30 – 6:00 PM: schmoozing and snacks
  • 6:00 – 7:00 PM: Enhancing your Story with Digital Tools
  • 7:00 – 7:30 PM: Q&A and Wrap


  • Event hashtag: #Net2van
  • Group: @Net2van
  • Presenter: @WildfireEffect
  • Venue sponsor: @HiVEVancouver
  • Social media sponsor: @HootSuite


Stephanie Michelle Scott - ArtisticStephanie is a specialist in engagement strategy at Wildfire Effect Media guiding her clients in finding the story archetype in their brand and mapping out how that story is best told across digital spaces like the ever expanding landscape of social media.
Stephanie is also the current president of the Social Media Club of Vancouver.

Find Stephanie at Wildfire Effect Media and on twitter at @WildfireEffect


Mobility Access: This venue does not have ramps or elevators.
Hearing Access: Speakers at this event will use microphones.
Sight Access: Contact the organizers if you need an advance copy of the presentation.

We want everyone to be able to participate in the NetSquared Vancouver community and events. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.

Slides and Video: Metrics that Matter with Chris Geoghegan

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” / Metrics

Net2van was privileged to have Peer Giving’s Chris Geoghegan share a framework for web analytics at our September 3 meetup.

Chris has bad news. Most of the time you spend looking at your analytics is probably in vain. There is too much data that tells you too little information. You thought analytics was all about using information to make better decisions, but it isn’t working. How do you go beyond just giving yourself a nice pat on the back with how many visitors you got last month?

In this presentation Chris showed how charities and non-profits can select and track the metrics that truly matter and how they can use them to make and confirm decisions that matter.



Key links

Chris also shared some of his favorite links with the group:

Why I host Net Tuesday Vancouver

HUGE thanks to Darian Kovacs for putting the event together. This is the first time that a monthly meetup was planned, promoted and hosted without my involvement, and I couldn’t be happier that Net Tuesday is evolving from a solo project into a self-sustaining volunteer-led institution.

– Eli

P.S. I’m also grateful for Chad Leaman‘s good ears.

Net Tuesday meetup: Network organizations create better online campaigns

Net Tuesday is proud to have Communicopia’s Jason Mogus presenting at our February 7 meetup. NOTE: We expect this event to be very popular, so registration is capped. Please RSVP to confirm your attendance.


There has been a sea change recently creating new models for how social change organizations (or start up businesses) structure themselves to accomplish a social good. Network organizations, typically those “born after the Internet”, are smaller, nimble, less hierarchical, highly collaborative and deeply social by nature. Their leadership, culture, structure, programs, and outcomes are often quite different from those of traditionally structured NGO’s.

As these structures are more aligned with the fundamental organizing principles of the web, done right this enables these organizations to punch far above their weight online. In this session we will discuss:

  • the differences between network orgs and more traditional NGO’s
  • why network orgs are an adaptation to the unique challenges and opportunities of our times
  • why traditional NGO’s struggle with managing digital innovation
  • why network orgs create better online campaigns – including many examples!
  • some fundamental principles of network centric campaigns

Jason Mogus photo

Come with your own examples and expect a fulsome discussion on the benefits and limitations of this controversial hypothesis.


W2 Media Cafe
111 W Hastings, Vancouver, BC

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Doors at 5:30 PM
Starts at 6:00 PM
Wraps at 7:30 PM

Jason Mogus is the principal strategist of Communicopia, a Gastown based firm that has been leading transformative digital projects for social change institutions since 1993. Jason has worked with some highly successful network orgs, including the TckTckTck climate coalition, Nothing But Nets campaign, and Web of Change, as well as for many large NGO’s, governments, and sustainable businesses both locally and globally. For a full bio:

Suggested background reading:


Net Tuesday January 10: Google Analytics on a non-profit website – making sense of your data with segmentation

RSVP on Meetup

Could you do more with Google Analytics? Non-profit website publisher Jeannine Mitchell shows how she got a new perspective on raw data from the Google Analytics module installed on her (Drupal CMS) website after local web analytics expert Behdad showed her how to create custom measurements known as ‘segmentation’. Behdad will be present to field people’s questions about web analytics.

RSVP on Meetup


Tuesday, January 10 2012





W2 Media Cafe


Free, with $5 suggested donation.

Jeannine Mitchell, an award-winning finance writer, heads the non-profit Student Finance 101 Society, helping students manage student loans and other debt at

Behdad Barati
A well rounded IT expert, Behdad has been involved in Web Analytics for close to four years.
Behdad is also the organizer of the Web Analytics Champs meetup.


W2 Media Cafe

Net Tuesday is thrilled to have the W2 Media Cafe as our venue sponsor for the 2011-12 season.

They do cool things. Check them out!