The remarkable Russell Bennett created a summary video that beautifully captures the energy of NetSquared Camp Vancouver.
The Digital Nonprofit – a project of TechSoup Connect Canada
Events and community for nonprofits curious about technology.
The remarkable Russell Bennett created a summary video that beautifully captures the energy of NetSquared Camp Vancouver.
The remarkable Russell Bennett created a summary video that beautifully captures the energy of NetSquared Camp Vancouver.
My parents have a hell of a time explaining to their friends just what it is I do at work. And who can blame them, since it’s a bit jack-of-all-trades-y.
And so, for their edification, I present a summary of a recent project.
Subtitling videos used to be VERY time consuming. It would take a volunteer all day to transcribe the video, time the in and out points for each line of dialog, and then enter it all into Final Cut Pro. Ick!
Naturally, we avoided translating most of the video clips we produce. Which makes the David Suzuki Foundation’s Quebec office very sad. <le boo hoo. le sigh>
But now, through the magic of Google’s translation service and Youtube’s automatic transcription and timing features, we can subtitle a video with 30 minutes of effort. That means we can easily make all our videos bilingual.
Check it out!
(to turn on the captioning click the triangle button in the bottom right of the Youtube player and then hover over your language)
Here’s step-by-step instructions on how to add French subtitles to a Youtube video:
Congratulations! You now have a clean caption file in Youtube that can be automatically translated into dozens of languages.
But what if “good-enough” isn’t good enough for you? What if you need a perfect translation?
And you’re done!
Helpful links: