NetSquared Camp 2015 Was Awesome

Hi Net2camp friends,

Gosh, that was fun. Thanks so much for coming out on a Saturday and partying #nptech-style with us!

We tried to capture some of the electrifying energy of the day in our storify. The summary includes the tweets, photos, videos and notes generated during the event.

A special thanks to McKay Savage to being dragooned into photography, Noah Ferguson for capturing a super-cool time-lapse video of the session pitches and Natalie Hill for taking notes during the CRM and database session. My thanks also to the entire volunteer team, with extra thanks to key collaborators Michelle Sklar and Chad Leaman. 🙂

Bgenerus logo

Events like Net2camp don’t happen by accident. A team of community champions come together to hold our events. We are proud to work with Michelle Sklar of Bgenerus, who has provided our ticketing and donation platform (plus marketing support!) for our last two events. Looking for a partner to help raise money online? Give her a shout!

Do you want to increase your donor base and make fundraising easy?
Charities & nonprofits engage your community to be generous!

What is Bgenerus? Bgenerus is a fundraising tool that allows you to manage your fundraising activities in one place! We help you partner with local and online businesses and allow your organization to offer great deals while making up to 25% off of every coupon sold. Give your donors something in return by offering them exclusive deals to support your cause! Bgenerus enables you to provide flexible options for your supporters to donate directly, or top up purchases they make. Running an event? With the Bgenerus event management tool you can sell tickets to events and manage your attendees all from the same campaign page.

With so little time and resources, Bgenerus makes it easy and efficient to run your comprehensive fundraising activities in one place! For more information or to arrange a demo contact

Why was the event so cheap? Because our sponsors are awesome! Give it up for HiVE Vancouver, Bgenerus, Constructive Public Engagement, and Erika Rathje Design.

Additional love goes to our community partners Fundraiser Grr, Changemakers Vancouver, and Rise Kombucha. Plus our sustaining monthly partners iATS Payments and NTEN.

See you next year!

The NetSquared Vancouver team

How was NetSquared Camp?


Thanks for joining us at NetSquared Camp on June 1. It was kinda epic!

Got two minutes? Please help us make the next event better by filling out our survey. It’s just five questions long!

Notes, Photos, Videos and More

Was NetSquared a bit of a blur for you? We captured the event for your leisurely review.

Took photos? Wrote notes? Please tag it with “Net2camp” so that we can find it!

Thanks for coming out! Hope to see you next time!

Upcoming Events

We have a great lineup of events scheduled for the next couple months.


Saturday, June 1

NetSquared Camp is our annual signature event. This unconference brings together Vancouver’s nonprofit technology community for a day of education and conversation, and it’s the best place to discover the emerging trends that are going to change your work.

Get your ticket now. The event sells out every year.

What you’ll get from the event

  • Nonprofit staffers will find a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for those not experienced with technology, and many chances to ask questions of tech-experienced nonprofits and experts.
  • Techies will find opportunities to hear the real-world stories of nonprofit clients, and put their own expertise to social good — as well as the potential for lasting relationships (be they paid or volunteer) with leading organizations in our community.
  • Activists and community organizers will see and be given the chance to present on successful uses of technology for social change. We’ll explore how technology can help support activism and where activism can push it forward.


May 21: How individuals are using technology and data to support vulnerable populations
June 1: NetSquared Camp
June 4: Maximizing your Google Grants budget for Nonprofits
June 24: NetSquared Surrey: The Mobile Revolution

Session Proposal: Designing Success: Online Fundraising, Email Subscriptions and Blogging

Erika Rathje  will be pitching a session on our mobile-centric future.

Cover good / best practices for:
– using the right language, placement and design to drive subscriptions and donations
– blogging tips — how much, how frequently, how to promote
– design tips for usable donation and subscription forms
– other tips for these related to design

(I’m an absolute chicken for public speaking, but I want to help people do better, so I’m gonna try!)

NetSquared Camp will be held Saturday, June 1. RSVP now!

Session Proposal: What the Mobile Revolution Means to Your Organization

Darren Barefoot will be pitching a session on our mobile-centric future.

Get used to hearing the term ‘device diversity’. It refers to the fact that people are using more and more devices, from Google Glass to wall-sized TVs, to access the web. We’re already past the point of caring about ‘smartphone users vs. desktop users’ and now how to think about tablets, gaming consoles and web TVs.

I’m imagining this as a short talk by me, and then I’ll facilitate a group discussion about best practices and approaches to a mobile-centric future.

NetSquared Camp will be held Saturday, June 1. RSVP now!

Session Proposal: Essentials of Email Marketing

Vanessa Chase will be pitching a discussion on email marketing.

Take your fundraising efforts digital by adding email marketing to your strategy. Whether you’re just getting started or are a seasoned pro, we’ll talk about the basics and best practices non-profits need to know and discuss solutions to the biggest problems you’re facing.

NetSquared Camp will be held Saturday, June 1. RSVP now!