The Top Digital + Technology Trends for Nonprofits in 2022

What are the top emerging trends in digital and how will nonprofits be impacted? Where should we focus our attention (and resources) in 2022?

TechSoup Connect Western Canada hosted a fast-paced hour of 5-minute mini-presentations on the trends, tools, and techniques nonprofits should use to create more impact.


  • Cryptocurrency trends to watch in 2022 with Jason Shim
  • Quantifying Your Desired Outcomes from Investments in SaaS/Cloud with Kevin Christopher-George
  • AI, Ethics, and Nonprofits with Kirk Schmidt
  • The triple threat of cheap and cheerful market research with Darren Barefoot
  • How to grow awareness by leveraging the audiences of others with Alison Knott
  • Video marketing: easier, cheaper, more effective with David Phu
  • How mobile and express payment options impact online giving with Salvatore Salpietro
  • Building donor relationships in 2022 with Sara Hoshooley
  • Automated Personalization with John Bromley
  • Learning the latest trends in individual giving and donor stewardship with Shelina Dilgir
  • Ransomware, Spyware, and Malware with Charles Buchanan
  • Investing in Your Fundraising Skills with Rowena Veylan
  • User Experience FTW with Jai Djwa

Event Resources

Alison K’s article

Links from Salvatore Salpietro on Mobile Payments: Impact On Giving
