Get Google AdWords help from RED Academy

Did you know that Google gives nonprofits $10,000 in free Google AdWords credits every month?  It’s a hugely valuable resource to help drive traffic to your website, but administering your account can be tricky, especially at first.
Luckily our friends at RED Academy want to connect their marketing students with local nonprofits to help set up and administer a sustainable set of AdWords campaigns for your organization.
If you’re interested apply at
Chris (RED Academy) and Eli (net2van)

PANEL DISCUSSION: Truth and Reconciliation in a Digital Age – Net2van June 19, 2018

In acknowledgement of National Indigenous Peoples Day here’s the recording of our “Truth and Reconciliation in a Digital Age” panel hosted by the First Nations Technology Council at the HIVE.

The discussion was led by Denise Williams, Executive Director of First Nations Technology Council. Panelists include James Delorme, Jen Castro, Leena Minifie, Lauren Kelly, plus some surprise special guests!

We exist in an age of reconciliation, one in which an increasing number of Canadians are beginning to explore their role in meaningfully addressing historical and ongoing injustices and inequities. So where does one begin? And what will a sector in meaningful pursuit of reconciliation look and feel like?

Join the First Nations Technology Council for a discussion about how nonprofits and the technology industry can participate in reconciliation and adopt the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:

Please join us in thanking our loyal sponsors

Slides + Video: The Digital Nonprofit 2018

We created The Digital Nonprofit conference because after 10 years of meetups our members asked us for an event that was more “boss friendly”. A place where we could talk about digital strategy and transformation, not just practical hands-on technology implementation. But we didn’t anticipate the hunger for a community-driven #Tech4Good conference. Even as we grew from 80 attendees to 225 we’ve continued to sell out every year. So thank you for your support! It means so much because as volunteers your encouragement is what motivates us to keep going!

The expert presenters have generously allowed us to share their slides – and we professionally recorded half the sessions, with the other half available through recorded livestream video.

Enjoy! We hope to see you at the 2019 edition of the conference and at our free monthly meetups.

The Digital Nonprofit in 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds

How Do You Attract Tech Literate Talent? – Crystal Henrickson of Talent Collective

How Your Online Fundraising Stacks Up With 152 Canadian Charities – Brady Josephson, NextAfter

Test, Fail, Adapt, Win: Increase Your Chances of a Successful Campaign – Shoni Field + Charly Jarrett, BC SPCA

Truth and Reconciliation in the Digital Age – Denise Williams, First Nations Technology Council

Crash Report, Or “Sorry For Breaking Your Nonprofit” – Rob Cottingham, Social Signal


The audio’s a bit iffy, but we were able to record every session.

The Technology Strategy of Love – Tracy Kronzak of

Building Systems To Help Our Orchestra Scale – Steve Coombs of Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra

Discover Your Hidden Engagement Pyramid – Barbara Christensen, Percolator Consulting

Digital Teams in 2018: The New Landscape of Digital Engagement – Jason Mogus

From Paper Registration Sheets in a Muddy Field to Tablets And Databases: How Grassroots Nonprofits Grow Up – Lyda Salatian, Green Teams of Canada

The Technology of Solidarity – Matt Price

Sponsor Love

Conferences don’t happen without a crew. We are grateful to our volunteers for running the show. We are in debt to the presenters who contributed their expertise. And we can’t thank the sponsors who underwrote the event enough, since they enabled us to create an accessible event for you, our #Tech4Good community.

Our sponsors are investing in our community because they share our conviction that nonprofits need the power of technology to do more good. Give them your attention and $$!


Traction on Demand +




Thank you all! With gratitude,

The Digital Nonprofit Team + NetSquared Vancouver

Technology Show and Tell: Productivity Tools Speed Dating for Nonprofits – Video Clips from #Tech4Good Meetup in Vancouver

What’s your productivity secret? What tools make you look like a magician to your coworkers?

At the May 8 NetSquared Vancouver meetup Chad Leaman hosted our annual Technology Show and Tell – it’s your chance to share the gadgets inside your toolshed.

Our guest presenters each got up to five minutes to showcase a wide range of low-cost or free online tools available to nonprofits today. Each tip had the goal of helping us communicate better with workers, volunteers and stakeholders, and work more efficiently.

Check out the videos. You’re bound to learn a few things that change the way you work.

Digital Teams in 2018: The New Landscape of Digital Engagement

See Jason Mogus at The Digital Nonprofit conference on June 11. Tix on sale now!

The state of digital teams inside our nonprofits often reflects deeper issues of culture and structure and how well adapted our institutions are to today’s communications landscape. So what’s going on with digital teams today? What team structures, roles, and behaviours are producing the best outcomes? Are we getting better at cross-silo and cross-channel communications? Are we set up to really deliver on the promise of digital engagement?

Jason Mogus has been a digital structure geek for two decades, and his firm recently released their 3rd report on Nonprofit Digital Teams. He will share highlights from the report, trends over time, and war stories working inside institutions of all shapes and sizes. Then you’ll get a chance to solve for digital structure issues at your organization in real time!

Key takeaways from the 2018 Digital Teams Report include:

  • When digital leads, we win. Having digital leaders on senior management teams and shaping new campaigns and initiatives is now proven to lead to more successful digital programs
  • Is engagement just a word? The vast majority of respondents don’t measure engagement and lack dedicated staff + budget to lead it, showing engagement is still more of a concept than a deeply valued reality
  • Distributed digital skills leads to better programs. We found teams with the highest performance digital programs are overwhelmingly using the hybrid team structure model
  • We still struggle with structure. Three-quarters of teams have been re-structured in the past 3 years, yet only 10% find their structure to be highly effective. That’s a lot of painful change leading to uncertain results

Covering topics ranging from where digital teams now live, today’s key roles, shifts in team structures, sources of cross-departmental tension, and how we develop digital leaders, we offer an insight for each data point, and include four recommendations for helping our organizations become more effective by building better digital teams.

Crash Report! with Rob Cottingham

Digital transformation is all fun and games… until it isn’t! Rob Cottingham, co-founder of the very first social media agency, shares lessons learned at The Digital Nonprofit conference. 

… or “Sorry for breaking your nonprofit”

Digital transformation sure sounds like fun… the same way bathroom renovations do. Then you start finding black mold and structural damage, and before you know it your place is stripped down to the studs and you’re booking a three-month stay in a Motel 6. Rob kicks off the afternoon with a bracing look at what we’ve let ourselves in for — as well as the surprising upsides of disruption.

* * *

Rob Cottingham is Canada’s leading progressive speechwriter, presentation coach and leadership communications strategist. He’s the cofounder of Social Signal, the world’s oldest social media agency, where he worked closely with a wide range of nonprofits. Rob draws the Noise to Signal cartoon on life, work and business in an online world, and performs as a standup comic wherever there’s a stage and a mic.

How Do You Attract Tech-Literate Talent? – See Crystal Henrickson at #DNP2018

How do you attract tech-literate talent? The competition for talent continues to grow, and while some nonprofits only use dollars as their competitive advantage, savvy organizations are turning towards attraction and retention strategies that individuals really want: work autonomy, location-independence and mobility. But, it’s not as simple as unplugging. Learn the key elements (and debunk the myths) to creating a remote-friendly employee culture.

See Crystal and 15 digital strategy experts at The Digital Nonprofit June 11, 2018.

Crystal Henrickson, CPCC, ACC Career and Leadership Coach, Talent Collective

Certified leadership + career coach and culture engagement strategist, Crystal works with new and seasoned leaders to develop engaged employee experiences. Scaling teams, developing leadership communication skills, mapping out professional development plans, and designing distributed and remote workplace solutions, are supported by her professional experiences in community building, marketing, sales, social media engagement, recruitment, distributed + localized team management.

Crystal has had the opportunity to drive talent, culture, marketing and community strategies at over 30 technology-focused companies like Yelp, Chimp, Invoke and Spring. Crystal is a location independent business owner and when not working, can be found in her garden, surrounded by a family of ducks, hens and a goose named Veruca.

Motivation Workshop: Vancouver Community Network (May 16)

Do you work in a not for profit setting? Would you be interested in learning more about staying motivated as a volunteer, or employee? Vancouver Community Network(VCN) is setting up free group workshop and free one-to-one training on motivation.

A workshop will take place at 111 West Hastings on May 16, 2018 at 5:30pm. VCN anticipates the workshop will take between thirty and forty-five minutes to complete.

If you are interested, please contact VCN at 778.724.0626 or for more information. Thank-you in advance for your consideration.

$75 you won’t regret spending

I’m delighted to share that we’re extending the Super Early Bird pricing for The Digital Nonprofit conference thanks to the tremendous generosity of our sponsors!

When: Monday, June 11. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (but stay until 7:00 PM for the social)
Where: Roundhouse Community Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews
Price: $75.00

The Digital Nonprofit 2018 Presenter Schedule

We are thrilled to announce our full line-up of presenters. More than fifteen experts from across the Pacific Northwest will share their expertise, struggles, and victories in a variety of formats, including short case studies, panel conversations, and presentations.


  • The Greatest Act Of Love Is To Be Of Service To Another Human Being – Tracy Kronzak,
  • How Do You Attract Tech-Literate Talent? – Crystal Henrickson, Talent Collective
  • Building Systems To Help Our Orchestra Scale – Steve Coombe, Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra
  • Engagement Pyramids And Integrated Campaigning – Barbara Christensen, Percolator
  • Digital Teams In 2018: The New Landscape Of Digital Engagement – Jason Mogus, NetChange


  • Crash Report, Or “Sorry For Breaking Your Nonprofit” – Rob Cottingham, Social Signal
  • How Your Online Fundraising Stacks Up With 152 Canadian Charities – Brady Josephson, NextAfter
  • Panel Conversation: The Digital Decision – The Terry Fox Foundation + Rick Hansen Foundation + Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation
  • Truth and Reconciliation in the Digital Age – Denise Williams, First Nations Technology Council
  • From Paper Registration Sheets in a Muddy Field to Tablets And Databases: How Grassroots Nonprofits Grow Up – Lyda Salatian, Green Teams of Canada
  • Test Quickly, Fail Quickly – Shoni Field + Charly Jarrett, SPCA
  • Engagement Organizing: The Old Art and New Science of Winning Campaigns – Matt Price

Love the nitty gritty? Read full write-ups of each talk here.


Because learning is hard on an empty stomach we’re including full access to three food trucks and two espresso carts. Feast on treats from Tacofino, Vij’s Railway Express, and Patisserie Lebeau – and then wash it down with drinks from Johnny Can’t Surf coffee truck and Marley Coffee’s bicycle stand.

And if that’s not enough join us for the post-event social with an open bar from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

We’ve solved the conference curse. The talks are focused and short – nothing is longer than 30 minutes. And the food will be amazing and plentiful. So get your ticket today (before we sell out – which has happened for the previous three years).

When you buy that ticket join us in sharing some love for the sponsors making the conference such a great deal.


Traction on Demand +




15 experts, 3 food trucks, and an open bar

I’m delighted to share that we’re extending the Super Early Bird pricing for The Digital Nonprofit conference thanks to the tremendous generosity of our sponsors!

When: Monday, June 11. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (but stay until 7:00 PM for the social)
Where: Roundhouse Community Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews
Price: $75.00

We can now announce the full line-up of 15 expert presenters, which includes author Matt Price (Engagement Organizing), Denise Williams (Truth and Reconciliation in the Digital Age), and Shoni Field (Testing and Failing Fast).

But because learning is hard on an empty stomach we’re including full access to three food trucks and two espresso carts. Feast on treats from Tacofino, Vij’s Railway Express, and Patisserie Lebeau – and then wash it down with drinks from Johnny Can’t Surf coffee truck and Marley Coffee’s bicycle stand.

And if that’s not enough join us for the post-event social with an open bar from 5:00 – 7:00 PM.

We’ve solved the conference curse. The talks are focused and short – nothing is longer than 30 minutes. And the food will be amazing and plentiful. So get your ticket today (before we sell out – which has happened for the previous three years).

When you buy that ticket join us in sharing some love for the sponsors making the conference such a great deal.


Traction on Demand +