The Digital Nonprofit 2019

The Digital Nonprofit logo.

Vancouver’s Online Strategy Conference for Nonprofit Leaders


See the schedule of presenters for June 11 at the Roundhouse

Whether you’re in the midst of digital transformation, struggling to keep up with new tech in online communications, or are looking for  strategies that work today to grow your nonprofit, The Digital Nonprofit is the place for you to be this June.

This all-day conference is Vancouver’s premier event for nonprofit and charity leaders, where over 200 local professionals come together to discuss how we can all learn and support each other to fulfill our missions.

Through This All-Day Event You’ll Get To:

  • Build new relationships with over 225 other nonprofit and charity professionals
  • Learn digital strategies and tactics through 7 speaker presentations that you can bring back to your nonprofit teams
  • Learn from practical case studies from nonprofit leaders who will share the tactics they’re using to truly engage online with their members (an increasingly difficult task)
  • Expand your thinking through a series of short “Lightning Talks” throughout the day
  • Enjoy a fully-catered lunch and drink as much coffee as you want!
  • Network at our after-party immediately following the conference (drinks included!)
  • BONUS, attend a hands-on digital marketing workshop by Beth Kanter the following day (space is limited, reserve now).

Keynote Presenters:

Vu Le

Envisioning the Future Charitable Sector

Vu Le headshot in circle

Given everything happening in the world, the nonprofit/charitable sector continues to play an urgent and critical role. But we face many challenges to fulfilling our full potential. What does the ideal sector look like? How will we get there? What are sacred cows we must let go? Join Vu for a no-BS presentation filled with pictures of baby animals.

Vu Le is the Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, a Seattle nonprofit that promotes social justice by developing leaders of color, strengthening organizations led by communities of color, and fostering collaboration between diverse communities. Known for his pointed observations delivered with a sense of humor, Vu has been featured in dozens, if not hundreds, of his own blog posts, found at, formerly

Beth Kanter

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Linking Self-Care and Wellbeing to Organizational Impact

Beth Kanter headshot in circle

This keynote is about how and why it is important to treat self-care and a culture of well-being as an organizational strategy and cultural norm. When self-care initiatives are treated as “extras” instead of being built right into the fabric of an organization’s culture or leadership does not model the behavior, they often fall flat.

Beth will share the latest thinking on self-care and well-being in the nonprofit workplace based on her book “The Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout.” Going beyond a narrow focus on physical health and wellness, she will share examples and insights from nonprofits that have created and implemented a culture of well-being in the workplaces that supports results.

Beth Kanter is an internationally recognized thought leader in networks, social media, philanthropy, wellbeing in the workplace and training.  Beth has over 35 years working in the nonprofit sector in capacity building and has facilitated trainings for thousands of social change activists and nonprofits on every continent in the world.

Shoni Field and Ryann Miller

The Leadership That Digital Demands

Digital touches every aspect of an organization, so it needs strategic, next-level leadership if its truly going to thrive. Because it’s not just the work itself; it’s also about the best ways to get the work done. You’ll learn how to structure digital teams, and what to ask for and expect from them. You’ll also understand the importance of silo busting, iterative processes, collaboration frameworks and how the customer experience (CX) demands of digital can change organizational culture. From strategic culture through leadership, and talent Shoni and Ryann will walk you through the requirements of a thriving digital environment.

Shoni Field

Shoni is Chief Development Officer at the BC SPCA, overseeing a full spectrum fundraising program raising $30+ million annually. She has been fundraising for 21 years, specializing in direct response. She presents on digital fundraising nationally and internationally. When not fundraising she advocates for voting reform and bakes fancy cakes.

Ryann Miller

Hi I’m Ryann Miller, Director of Partnership at Grassriots, a boundaries-pushing global strategic and creative agency based in Toronto, that serves the social profit sector. I help social profits use digital and integrated strategies for fundraising, marketing, advocacy and engagement. I’ve been doing and learning digital for 13 years: most recently at Care2 for 8 years, where I helped to build the Canadian market. I’m big on sector growth, big on building relationships, and big on leveraging digital maturity to help organizations level up. I have two little boys and one big dog, and they’re the focus of much of my non-working hours.

More Presenters:

Yasmine Abu-Ayyash

How to Create a Tech Plan for Your Nonprofit and Win OVer Your Board

Does your nonprofit need major upgrades in tech? Where do you start and how do you get your tech infrastructure up to date on a tight timeline and budget? This presentation will show you the steps you can take to develop a tech plan for your nonprofit, so that your nonprofit can better identify its organizational needs, make the most of the tech already available, and plan for future tech investments.

We’ll show you how with the right tech plan, you can make effective use of tech to impact your nonprofit’s mission and increase transparency in your achieving your strategic goals. Best of all, we’ll share tips on how to get your board on board with investing in your tech pan.

Yasmine Abu-Ayyash is the Communications Coordinator at TechSoup Canada and is responsible for crafting resources and materials that support nonprofits in using tech to more effectively pursue their missions.

Chris Brandt

Social Media from the Top: Why nonprofit leaders need an online voice

Chris Brandt, former ED of Music Heals, shares best practices for stewarding relationships and raising money with social media.

Social Media isn’t just your first point of contact with current and prospective donors, volunteers, and the media – it’s often the only one. The risk of not talking is that no one knows that you exist. How would you evaluate your organization’s presence on social media? Are you involved in the conversation, either through the org’s channels or your own? You can’t be seen until you learn how to see.

Chris Brandt is the founder of Charity Agency, which helps businesses increase their charitable impact and helps charities improve their business. His background includes over 20 years in the music industry and 6 years as a nonprofit Executive Director, where he built a foundation from conception to directing over $1m in program funding in under 5 years.

Kimberly Shearon

3 Keys to Rocking Your Next Integrated Campaign

It seems that integrated campaigns are all the buzz these days. But what does “integration” even mean, how do you do it, and why bother with it? Ecojustice’s Kimberly Shearon shares three big lessons her team learned (the hard way) from its foray into the world of integrated campaigns. Also, pop culture references.

Kimberly is Director of Strategic Communications at Ecojustice, Canada’s largest environmental law charity. She was born and raised on Vancouver’s North Shore, where she dreamed of becoming a journalist and changing the world. After a five-year foray out east for university and bouncing around some of the country’s top newsrooms, she turned in her media pass and joined the Ecojustice team. It has proven to be the perfect home for her and her love of em dashes, bicycles and wandering through the woods.

With so much packed into one day, have you wondered about how you’ll be able to capture all your learnings? Don’t worry, we have something special planned to help you capture insights, and use them when you get back to work. Join us this year and find out.


Beth Kanter – Nonprofit Digital Marketing Strategy: The Secret Sauce

WORKSHOP with Beth Kanter – Nonprofit Digital Marketing Strategy: The Secret Sauce

Beth Kanter will be hosting a workshop for organizations wanting to invest in improving their digital strategy. This hands-on workshop will be limited to 75 attendees.

Social media, mobile phone adoption, new digital payment methods, bots … there are so many digital channels for nonprofit marketers to engage and connect with people, and convert them to live long supporters. But with so many free and low-cost tools out there, how do you decide where to invest your time and resources for the most impact? How do you quickly and easily test those decisions to improve results?

This interactive workshop will help nonprofit marketers boost their digital strategy using a simple canvas, “Ready, Set, Go,” that will allow them to quickly develop and test a strategy that connects with your audience. This workshop is highly participatory, using hands-on methods and will draw from design thinking methods. It will focus on strategy, not tactics.

Nonprofit Tech Trends for Vancouver Nonprofits

Where should nonprofits focus their attention in 2019?

Net2van’s January meetup was a smörgåsbord sampler of #Tech4Good trends. This fast-paced evening of Ignite-style 5 minute mini-presentations shared the trends, tools, and techniques charities should explore to create more impact.

Rob Cottingham – Trust as the Killer App in the Age of Fake

Brady Josephson – Third Party Giving


Kyle Thom – Video and Chat Tools to Advance Your Engagement Cycle


Shoni Field – Blurring of the Lines Between Phone and Online; Getting Serious About Digital Lead Generation


Jeff Harrison – AI and Machine Learning Trends for Nonprofits


Jessica Macleod – How to Effectively Use Instagram Stories


Matthew Pattinson – Uncovering Big Ideas That Matter With the Lean Canvas


Daryl Hatton – the Market Shift From Major Donations to Micro-Donations and From Macro-Projects to Micro-Projects


Ash Kumar – Explore Micro-Communities in 2019

Slides + Video: Email Automation for Nonprofits

Watch the video to discover how to start making email automation work for your organization

We snuck a second meetup into November because we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to feature a special guest from Montréal. Antoine Bonicalzi of Cyberimpact introduced our nonprofit members to the basic concepts of email automation and walked us through the flowcharting process. 

Watch the video to discover how to start making email automation work for your organization. In this video you will learn:

• How to communicate more often and more effectively with volunteers, supporters and partners
• How to promote events and other fundraising activities
• How to build stronger relationships while saving time and energy thanks to automation


Antoine Bonicalzi has been involved in digital marketing since 2009. Occupying key roles in several agencies, he has helped hundreds of small businesses and organizations succeed with digital marketing.

Today, as the Marketing Director for Cyberimpact, a Canadian email marketing and marketing automation platform, Antoine has the responsibility of growing its user base across the country. His role involves communicating the secrets of email marketing and marketing automation to Canadian businesses and organizations through articles, training workshops and seminars.

Video + Slides: How to Maximize Data to Enhance Your Fundraising Programs and Campaigns

In this presentation campaigners and fundraisers from any size organization will learn to use big data in a way they haven’t before. They will learn how to better target their messaging to influence people within their organization’s community to encourage them to give a gift or volunteer.

Whether through a direct mail appeal, cross fundraising approach or a face to face ask, data can help.

Allen Davidov is Director of Business Development at Environics Analytics in the not-for-profit practice. With nearly twenty years of experience, he is responsible for helping charities and foundations apply EA’s products and services to attract and retain donors, corporate partners and volunteers.

Prior to joining EA, Allen successfully led marketing, annual giving, leadership giving and event initiatives at a number of organizations, including Sinai Health Foundation, Habitat for Humanity GTA, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, St. John’s Rehab Hospital Foundation at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and North York General Hospital Foundation.

Allen is also an active member of the Canadian Marketing Association Not-For-Profit Council. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Liverpool, a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Ryerson University and a Creative Advertising diploma from Centennial College.

Hosted by @elivdg
Presented by @net2van
Venue partner @hivevancouver

@AllenDavidov of @EnvironicsA

@iatspayments @VCN_Community @techsoupcanada @NTENorg

Digital Skills for Youth – Internship Program

tern salaries are matched to $12,000 and administered by the Vancouver Community Network (VCN) under the federally-funded DS4Y program.

Is your organization interest in hosting an internship focused on  using and/or gaining ICT skills/knowledge in a professional work environment? Then check out the Vancouver Community Network internship program

Intern salaries are matched to $12,000 and administered by the Vancouver Community Network (VCN) under the federally-funded DS4Y program. 

There is an additional $3000 accessible to each intern to pay for upskilling and learning new tech skills (online or in-person).

Registrations can begin immediately and intakes will be ongoing as we work to fill 160 positions across Western Canada over the next two years.

Digital Skills for Youth – Internship Program

Get details on eligibility.

Video: Donor Retention Best Practices with Janet Edmison, Principal at Fawkes + Holly

At Net2van’s October 10 meetup Fawkes + Holly offered research and experience on how to retain the donors you’ve worked so hard to acquire. Viewers of these videos will emerge feeling encouraged, equipped and armed with practical tools you can start implementing immediately.

A strong fundraising program is an essential part of building a thriving non-profit. But when you have a small team and limited resources it can be hard to know where to focus.

At Net2van’s October 10 meetup Fawkes + Holly offered research and experience on how to retain the donors you’ve worked so hard to acquire. Viewers of these videos will emerge feeling encouraged, equipped and armed with practical tools you can start implementing immediately.

Here’s two video recordings of the presentation, focusing on the presenter or the slides. Take your pick! Or if you’re on the move listen to the podcast

Presenter Video

Webinar-Style Video

Janet Edmison, Principal at Fawkes + Holly

Janet is a strategic thinker with experience fundraising for small and mid-sized non-profits including Cystic Fibrosis Canada and Union Gospel Mission. Passionate about sharing the vision and mission of organizations making an impact around the world, Janet excels at developing strategies and materials that change the game for small teams with limited resources. As a consultant, Janet has worked with dozens of organizations facing challenges in building and maintaining a sustainable fundraising program.

Produced by Ashleigh Turner @SexWithAshleigh
Hosted by NetSquared Vancouver @net2van
Venue partner HiVE Vancouver @hivevancouver


@iatspayments @VCN_Community @techsoupcanada @NTENorg

Video interviews: how do you successfully implement a CRM at your nonprofit?

CRM is hard! So before you choose a database why not learn from other organization’s difficulties? (and wins!)

Darren Barefoot interviewed Alexis Stoymenoff and Elena Iñurrategui. They’ve confronted all sides of the CRM question: from within orgs and as consultants to them. Viewers will gain wisdom about when to adopt a CRM and what questions to ask to make the right infrastructure decisions for their organizations.

CRM is hard! So before you choose a database why not learn from other organization’s difficulties? (and wins!)

Darren Barefoot interviewed Alexis Stoymenoff and Elena Iñurrategui. They’ve confronted all sides of the CRM question: from within orgs and as consultants to them. Viewers will gain wisdom about when to adopt a CRM and what questions to ask to make the right infrastructure decisions for their organizations.

Want more? Here’s the Q&A session featuring Brenton Walters (whose interview was, sadly, lost.)

Net2van’s free events are possible because of the consistent support of partners like iATS Payments, the Vancouver Community Network, Techsoup Canada, and NTEN.

Digital Fundraising Events From Net2van

What’s that in the air? It’s the smell of #Tech4Good!

CRM for Nonprofits – September 11

NetSquared Vancouver is really excited to bring you a trio of workshops this fall that focus on digital fundraising.

All the events are free, so RSVP now. And if you’re into podcasts subscribe to our feed of presenter recordings.

September 11: CRMs for Nonprofits – Abandoning Excel for a grown-up CRM

RSVP for this free event.

It can be difficult for smaller organizations to follow expert advice and best practices for adopting and optimizing supporter relationships with a customer relationship management (CRM) platform, like Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce, Netsuite, NationBuilder or Keela.

When is the right moment to make the leap from a spreadsheet or ad hoc system to a CRM solution? And, which platform is the right fit for your organization?

This session features on-stage interviews with people who have confronted all sides of the CRM question: from within orgs and as consultants to them. Attendees will gain wisdom about when to adopt a CRM and what questions to ask to make the right infrastructure decisions for their organizations.

October 10: Donor Retention Best Practices

RSVP for this free event.

A strong fundraising program is an essential part of building a thriving non-profit. But when you have a small team and limited resources it can be hard to know where to focus.

In this presentation, Fawkes + Holly will offer research and experience on how to retain the donors you’ve worked so hard to acquire. You’ll leave the sessions feeling encouraged, equipped and armed with practical tools you can start implementing first thing Monday morning.

November 6: How to Maximize Data to Enhance Your Fundraising Programs and Campaigns

RSVP for this free event.

In this session, campaigners and fundraisers from any size organization will learn to use big data in a way they haven’t before. They will learn how to better target their messaging to influence people within their organization’s community to encourage them to give a gift or volunteer.

Whether through a direct mail appeal, cross fundraising approach or a face to face ask, data can help.

Allen Davidov is Director of Business Development at Environics Analytics in the not-for-profit practice. With nearly twenty years of experience, he is responsible for helping charities and foundations apply EA’s products and services to attract and retain donors, corporate partners and volunteers. Prior to joining EA, Allen successfully led marketing, annual giving, leadership giving and event initiatives at a number of organizations, including Sinai Health Foundation, Habitat for Humanity GTA, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, St. John’s Rehab Hospital Foundation at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and North York General Hospital Foundation.

Got a nonprofit tech event that should be in the next newsletter? Let us know! Tweet at us using the hashtag #net2van.


If you have a job to share tweet to @net2van or post to our post on the meetup discussion board.

Volunteer Futures Symposium 2018 | Conference for Volunteers, Non-profits & Charities!

Join BCACG & Volunteer BC – at VOLUNTEER FUTURES SYMPOSIUM 2018 Annual Training Event for Volunteers, Non-Profits & Charities.

Low-cost event known for its inspiring keynote addresses, practical workshops and relevant sessions with plenty of opportunities to network with colleagues and volunteers from across BC.  

Everyone welcome! Anyone wanting to learn more about volunteerism and non-profit/charities sector can attend. Sign language interpreters are available making this event accessible for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Topics: Digital Youth Engagement, Volunteer Management, Crowdfunding, Community Gaming Grants & more.

Keynote: Kris Archie, The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada

Date: October 3 & 4, 2018
Location: Executive Airport Plaza Hotel, Richmond, BC
Fees: $225 (Member)/$325 (Non-member)

Registration fees include: All sessions, breakfast, lunch, coffee & refreshments.

For more info: Event Details