How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing with Darren Barefoot

Darren Barefoot
Photo: "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid"

How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing with Darren Barefoot

with Darren Barefoot

RSVP or Facebook

If you only engage in ordinary outreach activities – petition asks,
email marketing and Google AdWord buys – you won’t get noticed in a busy landscape where every nonprofit is vying for attention and support. Why? When everyone does the same thing, no one organization shines.

Truly remarkable organizations get their marketing done for them – for free – by their most excited, committed, passionate and devoted fans. They earn it by providing exceptional member experiences, by being unique, bold and creative. Word-of-mouth isn’t just about one-off gimmicks or “viral” campaigns. It’s an overall approach to movement building based on a new online reality where everyday people have become the most powerful marketing department on the planet.

In this session, we’ll discuss how nonprofits and charities are creating
remarkable online campaigns based on the theory and philosophy of
movement marketing. You’ll learn from experienced practitioners how to augment limited budgets with creativity and technology that will help your nonprofit get talked about.

DATE: Tuesday, September 6
W2 Woodwards
#250 – 111 West Hastings
Vancouver, BC

RSVP or Facebook

Darren Barefoot is internet famous. He has an honest-to-goodness wikipedia page.

He likes to play on the internet. He’s tweeted more than 17,444 times and it has been suggested that he’s Reddit’s biggest booster. Plus he’s co-written several books, the latest of which is Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook.

For the official bio:


The venue is generously provided by W2 Community Media Arts. They’re lovely!

HackVAN hackathon. For the hackers!

Net Tuesday is taking August off, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay home bored. Or get sunburned on the beach. You’ve got options! Check this out…


HackVAN is taking place on Saturday August 20, 2011. One day after the GROW conference in Vancouver. At HackVAN we bring together developers, hackers and designers to learn about APIs and build awesome applications to win fantastic prizes. HackVAN is an all day hackathon starting at 9 AM and ending at 6 PM. Previous sold-out HackDay hackathons were held in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Waterloo. And now we are headed to Vancouver! HackVAN will start with brief API presentations and workshops. Developers then team up (or work solo) to build an application in a single day.

At the end of the day, every single completed application will be presented to our industry judges. They will select the winning applications. There will be awesome prizes to win – including a MacBook Air – and great exposure for your application.

Registration is open:

HackVAN is made possible by our awesome sponsors: Context.IO, Freshbooks, Grow 2011, Shopify, TinEye, YellowPages.

Tickets are $10 for full event details and registration, please visit HackDays

Don’t forget to join us for HackVAN meet and greet on Friday August 19:

Survey results are in!

A huge thanks to the 20 people who filled out the Net Tuesday Vancouver survey. I’ll use your feedback to make Net Tuesday better next season.

Here’s a summary of the results:

You want to schmooze

Luckily Net Tuesday will be hosted at W2 this year, so we’ll have easy access to gastown and the recently-opened W2 Media Cafe.


 You’d prefer Net Tuesday to remain on a weekday

Luckily the name “Net Tuesday” constrains my choices. Tuesday it is!


90 minutes makes you happy

1 minute longer and you’ll revolt. I hear you loud and clear.

There’s no strong winner on the presentation format question

I’ll keep mixing it up, with panels, case studies, and show ‘n tell.

Mark your calendar: Net Tuesday is scheduled for the next year!

W2 Community Media ArtsOMG! W2 Community Media Arts has just agreed to be the venue sponsor for Net Tuesday’s next season!

They’ve got a delightful boardroom space on the second floor, and a large studio space for groups of 100+ (if necessary). Plus, they’ve got a soon-to-be-opened café, a letterpress studio and a million other cool things . Check ’em out!

Here’s something for your calendars:

Tuesday, September 6
Tuesday, October 4
Tuesday, November 1
Tuesday, December 6
Tuesday, January 3
Tuesday, February 7
Tuesday, March 6
Tuesday, April 3
Tuesday, May 1
Tuesday, June 12 (note: second Tuesday of the month)
Tuesday, July 3
Tuesday, August 7

Google Adwords workshop in Vancouver

Hey Vancouver folk,

Google’s offering some training on Adwords.

Do you work for or with a charitable nonprofit? Then you’re eligible for $10,000/month in free adwords advertising. This workshop could be a good opportunity to learn how to use your grant more effectively.


Google Engage is Coming to Canada!

Agencies, Webmasters and SEM experts: You are invited to the exclusive launch conference for Google Engage Canada.
If you’re managing Analytics accounts for friends and customers, you’re always looking for new ways to drive website traffic. Now you can learn how to improve your online presence by joining Google Engage, a new partner program for web professionals who want to expand their online marketing services and help their clients do more with Google AdWords. The program provides training, tools and client incentives to help you succeed with Google advertising products.

We’re excited to announce that Google Engage will be hosting kick-off events in Vancouver and Toronto this August! Join us for an inspiring day of exciting Google product demos, AdWords workshops, and an exclusive keynote by Chris O’Neill, Director of Google Canada.

Blackboard Illustration
Google Engage in Toronto
Tuesday, August 9th 2011
Time: 9:30am – 4:00pm
Location: The Carlu
444 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON
Google Engage in Vancouver
Thursday, August 16th 2011
Time: 9:30am – 4:00pm
Location: The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC
Click here to register by 6pm Monday, August 1st.
Space is limited.
For more information on the program, please visit Google Engage

Call for applications: Google Mapping Technology for Nonprofits training

Google is going to hold a training workshop for nonprofit technologists who have experience or an interest in mapping and data visualization. It sounds pretty groovy.


What: Google Mapping Technology for Nonprofits

When: September 26-28, 2011, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Where: Morris J Wosk Centre for Public Dialogue at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia

Who should attend?: This workshop is intended for nonprofit technology specialists. Ideal participants will meet one or more of the following


  • Are employed at a nonprofit or consult for nonprofits; or work in a capacity that serves First Nations or other indigenous groups
  • Demonstrate ability to implement and make effective use of Google mapping technology within their organization.
  • Are currently working on mapping projects, or have datasets they want to map.
  • Possess training experience and intend to train others within their organization or in the larger nonprofit community on Google mapping technology.

Have intermediate-to-advanced technical experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Google Earth, Maps or Fusion Tables
  • GIS experience
  • Web/multimedia development
  • Programming for Google Geo APIs

This hands-on workshop is limited to 60 participants.

Due to limited space, no more than 2 representatives from each organization will be accepted.
Apply for Workshop: Attendance is free, pending approval through Google’s application process. Preference will be given to applicants who meet one or more of the requirements stated above.

To apply, visit

Deadline for application is August 5, 2011.

You will be notified of your acceptance on or before August 19, 2011.

Due to limited space, we will not be able to accommodate drop-ins.

Lodging: More details forthcoming

Note: Breakfast and lunch on the workshop days are provided free to participants.

Tentative Agenda:
Monday, September 26th

  • Morning – Introduction to Google Earth Outreach. Case Studies & Demos of nonprofit mapping projects. Higher-level overview of the Google mapping tools (Google Earth, Maps, and Fusion Tables).
  • Afternoon – Hands-on training in the above tools. Participants may be separated into 2-3 tracks based on skill level.

Tuesday, September 27th

  • Morning – 3-4 concurrent breakout sessions on tools. Topics TBA
  • Afternoon – Unconference sessions. Topics to be suggested by participants and selected through popular vote.

Wednesday, September 28th

  • Project Work Day – Participants bring in their datasets for a day of project work with Google Earth Outreach team members, who will be on hand to consult and answer questions.

More details about workshop sessions found at

Net Tuesday summer update

Hey Net Tuesday-ers,

It’s time for a summer update.

1) I’m looking to make Net Tuesday better. Please take the survey. It’s just 9 questions!

2) Net Tuesday is a sponsor of ReMixology. I hope to see you there.
Fresh Media ReMixology #6// Hit Refresh – Taking Media to the Street
Sunday. 6pm. $5.00

3) Big thanks to Trina Isakson and Pull Focus Film School for their support of the last Net Tuesday event.
For more details and links see

We’ll be back in September. I hope to have an ongoing venue sponsor, so we won’t be homeless anymore. Plus, I’m recruiting new members for the organizing team.



P.S. I’m wondering if there’s interest in a Vancouver nonprofit Salesforce user group. If you’re interested please sign-up at

Fresh Media ReMixology 6: Hit Refresh – Taking Media to the Street

Net Tuesday is thrilled to be a sponsor of Fresh Media Remixology 6. The name may be a mouthful, but it’ll be super fun. I’ll be attending ’cause the topic is interesting and social change-y . Plus it’s put on by the hipsters at OpenMedia. They’re swell.
FRESH MEDIA CREW is Proud to Present: 
Fresh Media ReMixology 6: Hit Refresh – Taking Media to the Street 

Purchase your tickets in advance here: http://remixology6.eventbr​ 

**FYI We Sold Out Last Time!

ReMixiology is where media innovators and social change makers mix up a concoction of social-change media awesomeness.
Facebook event here:

——-There will be music and a cash bar——-

Media is a tool that delivers information, generates ideas and inspires dialogue. Public space is a social space that is meant to be open and accessible to all. What happens when media in public space is remixed? How do we use new and old media tools to affect public space and generate conversations? This ReMixology explores how we can re-imagine public space using media in order to promote critical thinking and civic engagement.


1) Alexander Biko McNaughton// helping create vibrant public spaces in Vancouver (community gardens, public art…).2) David Mattatall// Operates the Zoo Zhop Record Store and Space < >. Past Director of Safe Amplification Site Society. < >

3) Jenifer Papararo// Curator at Contemporary Art Gallery. Curating the new augmented reality walking tour series at the contemporary art gallery (CAG). Learn more about the “Walking Tour” Series here: < http://offsite.contemporar​ >.

4) Debra Zhou// Curator at Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (Centre A). Curating MAP SENSE < >, an interactive community mapping project by Vancouver based artist Germaine Koh and writer Gillian Jerome. MAP SENSE is part of CO-LAB, a cross-disciplinary workshop and exhibition project co-presented by Centre A and Vancouver New Music.


Tyler Morgenstern // Coordinator of Media Democracy Day (MDD) 2010 & support staff for MDD 2011

6:00 pm – doors open – music, cash bar, mingling.
7:00 pm – Panelist presentations

8:00 pm – Question and Answer Session and Interactive Dialogue
9:00 pm – End of Talk – Music/Social/Networking

July 17th
Doors 6pm | Talk 7pm
The Vinegar Factory

1009 E. Cordova, Vancouver

$5 tickets in advance ( http://remixology6.eventbr​ ) and $10 at the door.

Vancouver Observer http://www.vancouverobserv​ 
SCENE IN THE http://www.sceneinthedark.​com/ 
The Tyee
Net Tuesday 
Poetry Is Dead​/ 
CiTR Radio 101.9 FM 
Discorder Magazine 
CJSF Radio 90.1 FM 
OCW Magazine 
Ricepaper Magazine http://ricepapermagazine.c​a/
Spacing Vancouver​/ 

Fresh Media is a celebration of innovation and independent media, and a re-imagining of media and journalism. Find out more here: 

Fresh Media is a project of

Find us on Facebook:​ 
Follow us on Twitter: @FreshMediaMe

Net Tuesday meetup July 5 – Managing volunteers with software and soft skills

Volunteers are awesome. So the July 5 Net Tuesday is gonna focus on volunteer coordination.

Volunteers are awesome, but the relationship between a nonprofit and a volunteer can be tricky.

VOLUNTEERS: Maybe the nonprofit never got back to you? Maybe the job they offered kinda sucked?

VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS: Are your volunteers creating a ridiculous pile of administrative paperwork and overhead? Can you find volunteers with the right skills? Why is this so hard?

Net Tuesday can’t solve all your volunteer-related challenges. We aren’t MAGIC.
But we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves that might help. Check this out:

DATE: Tuesday, July 5
TIME: Doors and (cash bar) booze at 5:30pm, Speakers at 6:00pm, Ends at 7:30pm
LOCATION: Pull Focus film school. 306 Abbott St (upstairs)

On Meetup or Facebook


ITEM: Volunteers for Salesforce

Elijah van der Giessen (Net Tuesday and David Suzuki Foundation) gives a demo of a free (for charities) application that helps manage volunteers and their hours, and creates forms to allow volunteer and job signup on your website.

Learn more:
An overview of the software:
21 volunteer management systems compared:
Do you need an integrated database?

But technology can’t solve your problems. It just makes you more efficient!

The secret to a strong relationship is a hot three-way. Sweet love betwen you, the volunteer AND the organization. Sound tricky? Sometimes it can be. That’s why Net Tuesday is bringing in Trina Isakson, a consultant with both professional and academic expertise in volunteers.

ITEM: Trina Isakson on how technology can help or hinder effective volunteer engagement

Trina Isakson recently completed masters research that examines effective leadership of volunteers, and is excited to discuss how technology can help or hinder good volunteer engagement. She is passionate about non-profit capacity, engaged citizenship, community development and education. Through volunteer activities and consulting and training work with 27 Shift, she helps non-profit organizations and universities strategically engage their next generation of employees, volunteers and donors.

Says Trina:

For the research, I interviewed a series of nonprofit staff/board members who had been identified as effectively engaging volunteers. None of the orgs had any problems (or even made much effort) recruiting volunteers, and more likely had to restrict the number of volunteers.

While the final results of my paper focused on leadership, the themes that arose from analyzing the interview transcripts I think are most interesting. Examples include:

  • volunteers were seen as peers and professionals, not subordinates
  • volunteer engagement was seen as everyone’s role in the organiztion (i.e. not just for a ‘volunteer coordinator’)
  • the organizations and individuals had a strong culture of learning and change
  • while they had volunteers that had to leave their roles/didn’t show to meetings etc., interviewees accepted this as a reality of the volunteers’ busy lives and adapted their volunteer engagement practices/scheduling to plan for this


They’re giving the event a home, and allow the meetup to be free. Plus they make awesome videos.
Pull Focus Film School
On Facebook and Twitter!

306 Abbott St (near Cordova)
Vancouver, BC V6B 2K9

See you on Tuesday!

Net Tuesday Vancouver