The science of Facebook pages: how non-profits increase engagement on Facebook

I virtually attended this event via their livestream from Seattle, Washington, while the volunteers including my Vancouver friends tweeted on site. This is my online curation for the attendees, for my non profit friends across the world and whoever may be interested, including some extra links.

Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb at NetTuesday Vancouver

How can your non-profit ‘win’ on Facebook? Many organizations measure their success on this platform using likes, comments, and shares. That’s why Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb of Capulet Communications decided to look at what actually works on Facebook, and what type of content tends to gather high engagement.

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Meetup: The Science of Facebook Pages for Nonprofits [September 11 2012]

How NGOs win on Facebook

View more presentations from Darren Barefoot

How NGOs win with Facebook

What actually works in garnering likes, comments and shares on Facebook pages? Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb analyzed 1000 posts from large environmental NGOs and are keen to report their findings. Learn who’s doing Facebook well, and what really works to increase engagement.




When: Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 6:00 PM To 7:30 PM
Where: W2 Media Cafe, 111 W Hastings, Vancouver, BC



Darren Barefoot

Darren Barefoot is internet famous. He has an honest-to-goodness wikipedia page.
He likes to play on the internet. He’s tweeted more than 17,444 times and it has been suggested that he’s Reddit’s biggest booster. Plus he’s co-written several books, the latest of which is Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook.

Theodora’s passion for non-profit causes led her to work in social media where she helps to strengthen online communities. She works with several organizations including the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation as an online community manager and with Mountain Equipment Co-op’s on wilderness protection across Canada. She’s also developed online communities for the BC Mental Health & Addictions Services, the Women’s Health and Research Institute and the Asia Pacific Foundation. Theodora’s background in radio and television allows her to bridge her passion for storytelling, media and the web and when she can, she loves to write about redheads.



Net Tuesday is thrilled to have the W2 Media Cafe as our venue sponsor for the 2012-2013 season.

They do cool things. Check them out!

The ten most engaging Facebook posts

… as told by Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb at NetSquared Camp 2012.

… as told by Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb at NetSquared Camp 2012.

The top ten most engaging Facebook posts

Darren Barefoot and Theo Lamb analyzed the last 50 Facebook posts by 20 environmental nonprofits, totalling 1,000 posts.

Storified by Elijah van der Giessen · Sun, Apr 29 2012 20:16:08

Here’s the top ten posts according to their engagement score.

Facebook engagement = likes + (comments *2.5) + (shares *5)

See the full list of Facebook posts at at
#1 Surfrider Foundation
What goes in the ocean, goes in you! Rise AboveFacebook
#2 Surfrider Foundation (again!)
Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of our life …Facebook
Today the US Senate rejected a proposal to cut …Facebook
#4 National Audubon Society
Start your Monday morning off right with this …Facebook
#5 Rainforest Action Network
Land clearing fires set by palm oil companies …Facebook
#6 Earthjustice
Valentine’s Day is not about buying roses or …Facebook
#7 Surfrider Foundation
Jumping on the bandwagon….Facebook
#8 Earthjustice
This heartbreaking photo from West Virginia …Facebook
#9 Surfrider Foundation
Rise. Above. Plastics.Facebook
#10 Earthjustice
R.I.P. Senator Tree…. This sad photo shows howFacebook

Five recommendations from Darren and Theo

Facebook recommendation #1: You’re probably not publishing enough photos and videos. – @dbarefoot @theolamb #n2campKelvin (KC) Claveria
Facebook recommendation #2: People like simple messages laid over photos. – @dbarefoot @theolamb #n2campKelvin (KC) Claveria
Facebook recommendation #3: Link more often to sites other than your own. (Share the love.) – @dbarefoot @theolamb #n2campKelvin (KC) Claveria
Facebook recommendation #4: Ask people to share your content sparingly. – @dbarefoot @theolamb #n2campKelvin (KC) Claveria
Facebook recommendation #5: Emulate Earthjustice, Surfrider, and Rainforest Action Network. – @dbarefoot @theolamb #n2campKelvin (KC) Claveria

Darren Barefoot at Net Tuesday: Word-of-mouth marketing

Darren Barefoot presented at the September 2011 Net Tuesday and he killed. The kid’s a pro. He generously offered his slide deck and allowed us to record the session.

P.S. Darren and Julie Szabo also offer a Social Media Marketing Bootcamp. The next one is on October 21.

The slides

How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing [slideshare id=9156501&w=425&h=355&sc=no]

The Video

Darren Barefoot on Word-of-mouth marketing – slides and video

Darren Barefoot presented at the September 2011 Net Tuesday and he killed. The kid’s a pro. He generously offered his slide deck and allowed us to record the session.

P.S. Darren and Julie Szabo also offer a Social Media Marketing Bootcamp. The next one is on October 21.

The slides

The Video

How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing with Darren Barefoot

Darren Barefoot
Photo: "Scott Beale / Laughing Squid"

How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing with Darren Barefoot

with Darren Barefoot

RSVP or Facebook

If you only engage in ordinary outreach activities – petition asks,
email marketing and Google AdWord buys – you won’t get noticed in a busy landscape where every nonprofit is vying for attention and support. Why? When everyone does the same thing, no one organization shines.

Truly remarkable organizations get their marketing done for them – for free – by their most excited, committed, passionate and devoted fans. They earn it by providing exceptional member experiences, by being unique, bold and creative. Word-of-mouth isn’t just about one-off gimmicks or “viral” campaigns. It’s an overall approach to movement building based on a new online reality where everyday people have become the most powerful marketing department on the planet.

In this session, we’ll discuss how nonprofits and charities are creating
remarkable online campaigns based on the theory and philosophy of
movement marketing. You’ll learn from experienced practitioners how to augment limited budgets with creativity and technology that will help your nonprofit get talked about.

DATE: Tuesday, September 6
W2 Woodwards
#250 – 111 West Hastings
Vancouver, BC

RSVP or Facebook

Darren Barefoot is internet famous. He has an honest-to-goodness wikipedia page.

He likes to play on the internet. He’s tweeted more than 17,444 times and it has been suggested that he’s Reddit’s biggest booster. Plus he’s co-written several books, the latest of which is Friends with Benefits: A Social Media Marketing Handbook.

For the official bio:


The venue is generously provided by W2 Community Media Arts. They’re lovely!