Net Tuesday is going international, baby!
Seattle-based social media marketer Felice Lam created a storify from Brady Josephson’s Net Tuesday presentation on A/B testing.
Thanks so much Felice!
The Digital Nonprofit – a project of TechSoup Connect Canada
Events and community for nonprofits curious about technology.
Net Tuesday is going international, baby!
Seattle-based social media marketer Felice Lam created a storify from Brady Josephson’s Net Tuesday presentation on A/B testing.
Thanks so much Felice!
A look into the tool kit of Ben Johnson, the Managing Director of Frontier Consulting.
A look into the tool kit of Ben Johnson, the Managing Director of Frontier Consulting.
Frontier Consulting‘s Ben Johnson delivered a humdinger of a presentation for Net Tuesday. It was so jam-packed full of information that no notetaker could hope to keep up. Luckily for us Ben has generously agreed to share his slides.
Linda Liu was our photographer again (yay!) and has already shared the first 10 photos from the event.
I took those photos and used Animoto to create a video slideshow.
Oh, and charities are eligible for a free upgrade on their Animoto account.
Volunteer update
Interested in joining the volunteer team? Give us a shout!
And lastly, please join me in congratulating my co-organizer Chad on being a new father of twins!!!!
October’s Net Tuesday focused on crowdfunding.
October’s Net Tuesday focused on crowdfunding.
Have you heard of “cloud computing” or the “cloud” but not quite sure what it is? Wondering how other nonprofits are using it and whether it’s right for you?
Missed our Online Community Management panel? Shame on you, because the event was wicked awesome. But you can redeem yourself by checking out these event recaps courtesy of new attendee Candie Tanka and Net Tuesday online animator Kelvin Claveria.
A huge thanks to both for their generosity and insights.