REPLAY: Unlocking Your Theory of Change: Empowering You to Strategize and Measure Impact

Missed our event Unlocking Your Theory of Change: Empowering You to Strategize and Measure Impact? Here is the replay!


📘 Download the slides

🗺️ Guide: Digitally Transform Your Purpose-Driven Organization: A Simplified Approach to a Digital Transformation Roadmap

We thank our expert speaker Juan José Hidd of COMUNiTi LLP. You can connect with Juan at

REPLAY: Telling Your Analytics Story: How to Effectively Measure Success on Social

Missed our September 12 event “Telling Your Analytics Story: How to Effectively Measure Success on Social”? Here is the video replay.

We would like to thank our expert speakers from Hootsuite, Social Impact Manager Laura Zubick and Social Media Strategist Laura Rychlik.

Please find the slides from today’s presentation here. The Hootsuite team is also excited to share the following resources with you:  

REPLAY: How to Create a Digital-First Community

Here is the video replay from our July 18, 20223 event “How to Create a Digital-First Community with DAOs”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter.

You can also download the slides.

We would like to thank our expert speaker, Deepa Chaudhary, Founder of  Impact DAO Media, who shared their knowledge and experience with Decentralized Autonomous Organzations.

Event Links

REPLAY: Get More From Google Analytics 4: Everything A Nonprofit Needs To Know

Thank you for joining us for our June 27, 2023″Get More From Google Analytics 4: Everything A Nonprofit Needs To Know”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter. We hope that you found the session informative and helpful.

We would like to thank our expert speaker, David Lisowsky, Founder of  Regroup Media, who shared his knowledge and experience with Google Analytics.

Download his action sheets and templates at

REPLAY: Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Practical Applications for Nonprofits

Here is the video replay from our June 20th event “Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT: Practical Applications for Nonprofits”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter.

Key Links from the Chat

We would like to thank our expert speaker, Erik Blanchard, who shared his knowledge and experience with large language models and AI tools. Connect with Erik at:

REPLAY: Audience Research: Save Time And Effort With Your Communications

Thank you for joining us for our June 6, 2023 event”Audience Research: Save Time And Effort With Your Communications”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter. We hope that you found the session informative and helpful.

Links from Alison

We would like to thank our expert speaker, Alison Knott, who shared her knowledge and experience to help you with your audience research. Connect with Alison at:

REPLAY: Indigenous Protocols For Nonprofits

What is a territorial acknowledgment? How does it differ from a traditional welcome? If you are asking yourself these types of questions, you need to watch the video replay of TechSoup Connect Western Canada’s April 11 event.

In this informative and welcoming workshop Rowena Veylan, Founder of The New School of Fundraising, discussed the importance of understanding Indigenous protocols in Canada and how this relates to the nonprofit sector.

Want to work with Rowena or bring the full version of this workshop into your organization? Reach out to Rowena at


Rowena also shared this hilariously uncomfortable video from the Baroness von Sketch Show.


Links from the Chat

REPLAY: The Fundraising Drivers that Raise You More

Here is the video replay from our March 7, 2023 event “The Fundraising Drivers that Raise You More”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter. We hope that you found the session informative and helpful in your efforts to raise more money for your organization.

📃 View the slides

We would like to thank our expert speaker, Rebecca Alfred, who shared her knowledge and experience to help you with your fundraising. Connect with the Trellis team:

Free Guide: The Fundraising Drivers that Raise You More

Organizations that are raising more for their causes are approaching fundraising differently, and it’s working. As you read this guide, you’ll learn the secrets from organizations that are raising more so you can do the same.


What to expect:

  • An introduction to donation augmented fundraising techniques
  • A deep dive into each fundraising driver
  • Data insights from a study of over 1000 fundraisers
  • A one-pager for your board
  • Actionable next steps to help you succeed

Download the free guide:

REPLAY: Maximizing Your Website for Nonprofit Success

Here is the video replay from our February 28, 2023 event “Maximizing Your Website for Nonprofit Success”, presented by the TechSoup Connect Western Canada Chapter. We hope that you found the session informative and helpful in your efforts to optimize your nonprofit website.

📃 View the slides

We would like to express our gratitude to our expert speaker, David Pisarek, who shared his knowledge and experience to help nonprofits in their website optimization efforts.

Message from David Pisarek

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for joining me in the recent webinar about how non-profit organizations can improve their website to attract more traffic and increase their impact. It was truly a pleasure to share my insights with such a passionate and dedicated audience.

As someone who has spent over 20 years working in, and with, NPOs from a technology standpoint, I know just how important it is to have a website that looks great and is easy to navigate and use. I’m thrilled that I provided you with some actionable tips and resources that you can use to improve your website and take your organization to the next level.

Please take advantage of the website audit, free help to get analytics on your website, and/or getting up and running with

I firmly believe that non-profits and charities play an essential role in our society, and I commend all of you for the vital work that you do. I hope that the information I shared during the webinar will help you better communicate your mission and engage more people in your cause.

Thank you once again for your time and attention, and I look forward to continuing to support TechSoup and its community in any way that I can.

Links and Resources


We look forward to seeing you at our future events.

What is a New Member Worth? Calculating Customer Acquisition Cost and Lifetime Value

In this webinar, learn methods to assess and calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Lifetime Value (LTV), and more!

How much should you spend on ads or growth at your nonprofit? What is each email address worth? You need to know how to calculate customer acquisition cost and lifetime value.

In this webinar, author and University of Southern California Professor Paul Orlando gives a friendly and accessible introduction to Unit Economics.  Paul will demonstrate methods to assess and calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Lifetime Value (LTV), and more.

What You’ll Learn

  • Ways to calculate Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Lifetime Value (LTV) with additions like customer segments, cohorts, retention, and more (and why they can be imperfect methods).
  • How to manage the cost of growth along with potential value generated.
  • The difference between growing and scaling a nonprofit.

Important Definitions


Anyone who exchanges money with your nonprofit i.e. members, donors, ticket holders, corporate sponsors, etc

Lifetime Value (LTV):

“The gross profit that an organization earns over the relationship with a customer.”

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):

“Cost of getting a paying customer ‘in the door.’” (figuratively or literally)

Key Takeaways from this Webinar

  • It’s important to balance Customer Acquisition Cost and Lifetime Value with time. As Paul mentions, it’s a race, and you have to make sure you don’t run out of time!
  • There are many ways to get a customer/donor “in the door.” A variety of methods are discussed in the webinar by both the presenter and attendees.
  • Using the formulas shared in the webinar, nonprofits will be able to calculate Lifetime Value and Customer Acquisition Cost and use that data to help guide their focus.
  • Segmenting customers/donors is an important part of calculating and tracking LTV and CAC.

Bonus Q&A

Stay tuned to the end of the webinar for the Q&A and get answers to these questions:

  • Should ads be focused on the top three performing segments and consistently test for that segment using a single platform?
  • Which is better: Excel templates or online calculators? 
  • Where should you begin if you are new to Unit Economics?

Watch the recording to learn how to calculate customer acquisition cost and lifetime value!

What is a New Member Worth?

Additional Resources

About the Presenter: Paul Orlando

I build internal incubator/accelerator programs around the world (including Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Rome, and remote), getting companies to solve problems that they couldn’t in other ways. Building these programs I unlock new revenue and partnership opportunities for large organizations. These programs build autonomy and skills that keep employee retention high in an era when companies need to maintain their top talent.

Join the TechSoup Connect British Columbia Community!

TechSoup Connect British Columbia hosts online and in-person tech-for-good events that bring nonprofits together. We help you build communities, share resources, and discover new opportunities for social impact.

We welcome nonprofits, consultants, technologists, funders, and everyone else passionate about using technology for good. 

Check us out:


A HUGE thanks to our amazing community partners and sponsors. Give them love! Spend 💵with them!