I joined the NetSquared Global Leadership Council at the 2012 Nonprofit Technology Conference. Good times!
But I was ambushed by Vanessa Rhinesmith, who interviewed me and fellow meetup leader April Kyle.
The Digital Nonprofit – a project of TechSoup Connect Canada
Events and community for nonprofits curious about technology.
I joined the NetSquared Global Leadership Council at the 2012 Nonprofit Technology Conference. Good times!
But I was ambushed by Vanessa Rhinesmith, who interviewed me and fellow meetup leader April Kyle.
I joined the NetSquared Global Leadership Council at the 2012 Nonprofit Technology Conference. Good times!
But I was ambushed by Vanessa Rhinesmith, who interviewed me and fellow meetup leader April Kyle.
So, the October 2011 Net Tuesday was pretty awesome. Lauren Bacon is a super-pro.
Here’s proof:
The edit starts with Lauren praising me (Eli). This is an accident. I swear!
Lauren also offered to share her slide deck:
And here’s the slide deck she referenced: 5 strategies for facilitating social change online.
Darren Barefoot presented at the September 2011 Net Tuesday and he killed. The kid’s a pro. He generously offered his slide deck and allowed us to record the session.
P.S. Darren and Julie Szabo also offer a Social Media Marketing Bootcamp. The next one is on October 21.
The slides
How nonprofits win with word of mouth marketing [slideshare id=9156501&w=425&h=355&sc=no]
The Video
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guOprYhxzJs]
Darren Barefoot presented at the September 2011 Net Tuesday and he killed. The kid’s a pro. He generously offered his slide deck and allowed us to record the session.
P.S. Darren and Julie Szabo also offer a Social Media Marketing Bootcamp. The next one is on October 21.
The slides
The Video
Thanks to everyone for coming out and making the panel work (all those hard questions!) A special shout-out goes to W2 Community Media Arts Society, who provided the venue.
Special thanks to panelists:
There’s been an interesting discussion on Pull Focus’ Meatless Mondays video on the Meetup.com page. And you can watch the original “Meathead” video on Youtube.
Videos examples from event:
Free audio resources:
Other cool resources:
Links via Miraj Khaled
Other than youtube grants, projects with feature length video ideas may benefit from the examples &
grant/awards at the Skoll foundation & Participant Media
A youtube success story: one-man’s video journey to change the world
New ways to learn & collaborate:
The Slides:
[slideshare id=5734168&doc=nettuesdaynovember2010-video-101110233237-phpapp01]
Thanks to everyone for coming out and making the panel work (all those hard questions!) A special shout-out goes to W2 Community Media Arts Society, who provided the venue.
Special thanks to panelists:
There’s been an interesting discussion on Pull Focus’ Meatless Mondays video on the Meetup.com page. And you can watch the original “Meathead” video on Youtube.
Videos examples from event:
Free audio resources:
Other cool resources:
Links via Miraj Khaled
Other than youtube grants, projects with feature length video ideas may benefit from the examples &
grant/awards at the Skoll foundation & Participant Media
A youtube success story: one-man’s video journey to change the world
New ways to learn & collaborate:
The Slides:
My grandpappy always used to tell me to “go where the audience is.” (Well, not really, but he should have! Because it’s great advice.) That’s why most nonprofits joined Myspace, and then abandoned Myspace for Facebook when their supporters made the same move.
So, we use paper mailings, email, webpages, social media, public events…. we go where the people are. And increasingly nonprofits’ current and potential supporters are watching video online. So let’s go there too, because the latest research suggests that 50% of internet users are watching online video at least once a week and 32% of all internet traffic is already video (with that figure expected to double by 2013.)
Date: Tuesday, November 2
Time: doors at 5:30pm, Starts at 6:00pm, and finishes at 7:30pm
Location: W2 Storyeum, 151 west Cordova
Special features: amplified audio and adequate seating for all!
Panelists include:
More stuff you should know:
I’m plotting a topic for the Net Tuesday November meetup, and Ben Johnson suggested “video.”
What do you think? Are you interested in this topic? And do you know of any Vancouver nonprofits who are going interesting work with video? Please let me know in the comments or by emailing eli@vandergiessen.ca
Potential items to be presented and discussed:
I’m plotting a topic for the Net Tuesday November meetup, and Ben Johnson suggested “video.”
What do you think? Are you interested in this topic? And do you know of any Vancouver nonprofits who are doing interesting work with video? Please let me know in the comments or by emailing eli@vandergiessen.ca
Potential items to be presented and discussed: