Show and Tell Videos: Tools and Techniques for Working from Home

Discover some weird and wonderful tools and techniques to make working from home just a little easier.

Discover some weird and wonderful tools and techniques to make working from home just a little easier. Hosted by NetSquared Vancouver on June 3, 2020.

Chad Leaman launched the event with a demo of Hemingway, a fierce text editing app.
Ashleigh Turner demonstrated how to use Notion as a database for your organization’s important information.
Want to minimize your email? Use BCC aggressively!
Roar shares how using multiple monitors can make you more effective. And make your closet look like NASA Mission Control.
Descript will transcribe your videos and make rough edits quick and easy. Also useful for podcast editing.
Miro is a free-form whiteboard tool that allows you to brainstorm, mind-map, project manage, and more. Perfect for teams of visual people.
Deadlines are THE BEST!
NetSquared Calgary’s Mel Sutjiadi shares how Toggl can be used for time-tracking. Perfect for client work.

Applications Demonstrated

(Thanks Chad Leaman for the note-taking!)

Software – Hemming Way AppHelp with word and character counts
Process – BCC on emailGet agressive with the BCC to save everyone’s email.
Software – NotionManagement software for NGO, especially around HR. Database / XLS / trellow mashup – cloud based, has nonprofit rates
Software – DescriptTranscribing Video (audio to text). Can also edit associated media (like take out the ums), take out gaps. Can snip out clips into new videos.
Software – GrammarlyGives you the tone ontop of the grammer help. Has NGO rate
Hardware – get more appsMultiple monitors to save your mind
Process – give deadlinesRequests for Feedback —- Give people a deadline for thier feedback “I willl do NEXT STEP at DATE AND TIME”
Software – TogglTime Tracking – great for contractors that need to log those minutes. Free plan may do!
Software – Auto Text ExpanderAuto Text Expander. Free Chrome addon
Software – AYOA.comMind mapping software
Software – MiroCollaborative Whiteboard. People can leave notes. Takes lots of things in – spreadsheets to diagrams, etc. Free first 3 boards
Software – SnapCameraBring Snapchat filters into your Zoom meeting
Software – iGlassesModify whats coming out of your webcamera (zoom, etc)
Process – TEam Happy Hour VirtuallyDress funny! Have a drink
ONline boardgames
Game like that suitcase boteKahoot – mulit choice questions game quizshow
Software – Calendar pluginSpeedy Meeting – take 5 minutes off each meeting.
Sofware – Video recording and sharing — Loom or VidyardShare and show some short little video — can be quicker than writing steps
Software – Zoom Breakout RoomsGreat to get people talking, too many people in a room can be intimidating
Zoom bomb stop??

Slides and Video — Technology Planning and Change Management Workshop

The technology planning process can be overwhelming, especially for those without any technical background. Where do you start? How do you implement the tools and keep volunteers, staff and donors up to date?

During our March 2020 workshop we invited four local Tech4Good experts to guide us through the process of technology planning and change management. Enjoy!

Digitally Integrated Organizations — with Jai Djwa

Jai Djwa founder Strategist and Creative Technologist at Agentic Digital Media. Jai advises medium to large social change organizations on their digital ecology.

Understanding Your Tech Stack: Digital Tools for the Modern Not-For-Profit — with Eric Franzo

Eric Franzo founder of Purposely. Eric leads the team at Purposely to develop tools for organisations to match their opportunities with dedicated volunteers.

Systems Adoption & User Enablement — with Leah Chang

Leah Chang founder of Leah Chang Learning Inc. Leah works with organisations to create learning strategies that streamline the education process for staff and volunteers.

Leah also generously shared her templates when implementing CRM projects.

Introduction to Change Management — with Geoff Doty

Geoffrey Doty is a software and professional services extraordinaire. Geoffrey advises organisations on digital transformations and change management.

And finally a big thanks to event producer Sam Lintern and venue hosts iATS Payments.

Slides and Video: Social Media Analytics for Nonprofits

In the February 2020 Net2van meetup guest experts Charly Jarret and and Katrina Nguyen of the SPCA share case studies from their work with the SPCA.

Engagement? Followers? Likes? We’ve all heard the lingo, and some of us probably even write reports on these social media metrics, but what do they mean, and how can we go beyond Facebook analytics to glean real knowledge? How can we get better data to help us inform our decisions? Watch the video to learn (or subscribe to the podcast if audio is more your thing.)



There’s two options — webinar-style with a focus on the slides or livestream-style with a view of the presenters.

Livestream recording!

Key Resources

Lovely Tweets

Start here!

#Tech4Good Tips and Trends From THE EVENT THAT NEVER WAS (Because Snowmadgeddon 2020 Cancelled It)


Tamara Rahmani: Donations of Securities and Mutual Funds Simplified

Capital gains? Gifts in kind? Confused about the rules for donating securities and mutual funds to Canadian charities? Me too, which is why we invited Tamara Rahmani of CanadaHelps to present.

Mel Bilko: AI and Machine Learning

Keela’s Mel Bilko kindly shared a video recording of the session she would have presented: “AI & Machine Learning”.

Jessica Evans: How to Write Emails That Get Read (On MOBILE!)

Unable to make the NetSquared meetup event in Vancouver, BC due to a snowstorm, here’s Jessica Evans’s presentation, shot in one take, to keep it fair to other presenters!

Hopefully that will tide you over until the next Net2van meetup. 😉

Just the Highlights – The Digital Nonprofit 2019 Report

We can’t believe another year has come and passed! We’re so incredibly thankful to all of our sponsors, presenters, and volunteers – we absolutely couldn’t have done it without you.

We can’t believe another year has come and passed! We’re so incredibly thankful to all of our sponsors, presenters, and volunteers – we absolutely couldn’t have done it without you.

With over 250 dedicated nonprofit professionals attending it was our biggest event yet, and we can’t help but look back on this conference with a huge smile (and not just because of the waffles and ice cream! But come on, they were pretty amazing, right?).

We’re humbled by the feedback and gratitude we received, and we wanted to take a few moments to share some of it with you as well. Here are a few highlights from the event, the numbers, the pictures, and the quotes that keep us inspired to do it again, bigger and better next year.

Charts: attendees by work area and role of attendees

With a wide variety of work area types from attendees, we think we really hit our stride with a variety of presentations and topics discussed this year. There was something for everyone, and we hope we can outdo ourselves next year.

The Digital Nonprofit sponsor logos
I love these people and organizations!

Just a Few of Our Favourite Additions to #DNP2019

  • The Workbook – Beautifully designed and integrated to the day, attendees couldn’t help themselves from taking pictures of it, sharing it on social media, and using it to take home insights and notes.
  • The Ice Cream Bar – It was a huge hit, if you missed it, you really missed out. Maybe next year we will save some of those waffles to add as toppings 🙂
  • The New Branding – Our snappy new look has us fired up to keep going, taking this community and this annual conference even further.

What People Told Us Afterward

“Thank you, I very much enjoyed the event! Will be back next year with more staff!”


A loyal fan with a team

“You guys rock. Thanks for bringing us together, like a big nerdy non-profit family.”


A nerdy survey respondent

“Really fun event, stellar presenters, snacks, love the food trucks and treats, a nice positive 2 days! Great work!”


Attendee that went to BOTH days

“I would 100% recommend that people from all sectors come to this conference because the agenda is so well rounded and has amazing  food – seriously, this is probably the best food I’ve ever had at a conference!”


A hungry friend of the event

“Nonprofits need to be strategic with technology to make more impact – and attending the The Digital Nonprofit is how I discover emerging best practices from my peers.”


A life-long learner

“I would 100% recommend that people from all sectors come to this conference because the agenda is so well rounded and has amazing  food – seriously, this is probably the best food I’ve ever had at a conference!”


A friend of The Digital Nonprofit

And now it’s time for you to shine, here are some links to the photo gallery and videos from the conference. Unfortunately our photoshop budget is used up this year, so we might not have been able to fix all the funny faces you made.

Event Photos

The Digital Nonprofit 2019

See the whole photo gallery.

Videos and Slides

Watch the other videos from the conference (slides included!)

Tweets from the Day

Mentions in the Media

Business in Vancouver podcast, June 7 2019.
Conference producer Elijah van der Giessen talked with BIV about Vancouver’s Tech4Good sector.

See You Next Year!

And that’s a wrap! It was a blast and we hope you got as much out of it as we did – learning, new friends, and a good time.

If you’d like to join us as a sponsor or presenter again next year, please do let us know, and we will be sure to reach out with details.

Until next year, keep rocking the sector and doing the important work you do. And if you just can’t wait, come hang out at the monthly Vancouver meetups from NetSquared.

Thanks again for your support,

Eli and The Digital Nonprofit Team

Slides and Video: The Digital Nonprofit 2019 Conference Report

Thanks for being a part of our fifth The Digital Nonprofit conference! Our speakers have kindly permitted us to share their slides and session videos so that you can relive the Tech4Good goodness.

Thanks for being a part of our fifth The Digital Nonprofit conference! Our speakers have kindly permitted us to share their slides and session videos so that you can relive the Tech4Good goodness.

How Design Thinking Can Lead to the More Effective Use of Technology for Social Impact with Michael Johnston

The leadership that Digital Demands with Shoni Field and Ryann Miller

Social Media from the Top with Chris Brandt

3 Keys to Rocking Your Next Integrated Campaign with Kimberly Shearon

The Happy Healthy Nonprofit with Beth Kanter

⚡️⚡️⚡️ LIGHTNING TALKS!!! ⚡️⚡️⚡️

5 Ways to Boost Email Engagement Through Personalization with Megan McCaffery

How to Regularly – and Without a Lot of Extra Effort – Find, Capture and Share Good Stories About Your Organization with Nicole Jones

Why Embark on a Technology Project with Jack Mercer

Small Data for Big Change with Sarah Schulman

Website Best Practices: How to Effectively Engage Your Online Visitors with Tamara Rahmani

The Agile Approach To Creating Better Audience Engagement with Mack Hardy

Best Practices for Collecting Member Feedback with Kathryn Svobodny

Slides and Video: Setting Marketing Goals for Nonprofits – Using the Marketing Canvas

Creating a marketing plan for your nonprofit organization will move you from where you are to where you want to be. Learn real tips and trick to starting out right this year with a plan that you can explain to your team and board.

Slides from Lida Tohidi’s presentation for NetSquared Vancouver, May 7 201

Video – Presenter View


Marketing Canvas

Video – Webinar-Style

Prefer to see the presentation with the slides emphasized? We got you covered!

Creating a marketing plan for your nonprofit organization will move you from where you are to where you want to be. Learn real tips and trick to starting out right this year with a plan that you can explain to your team and board.

Learn how to identify the ideal donor you’d like to acquire, map out your acquisition plan, and engage with donors on the appropriate channels.

Our Guest Expert

Lida Tohidi has 11 years of experience in digital marketing, program management, and strategic planning in the tech sector and has utilized her talents for nonprofits as well. She is very passionate about mindfulness, as well as diversity and inclusion, and in 2018 alone, she spoke at 25 tech conferences and events. You can contact Lida through LinkedIn and on Twitter at @lidatohidi

How Young People Use Digital Technology – Hosted by Darren Barefoot

What’s the future of technology and social media? Let’s ask the next generation!

What’s the future of technology and social media? Let’s ask the next generation!

Darren Barefoot hosted a series of short on-stage interviews with three young people – a teenager, a college-student and a 20-something – about how they use technology and social channels.

Recorded live by NetSquared Vancouver at the HiVE in Vancouver, April 2 2019

Slides + Video: Email Automation for Nonprofits

Watch the video to discover how to start making email automation work for your organization

We snuck a second meetup into November because we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to feature a special guest from Montréal. Antoine Bonicalzi of Cyberimpact introduced our nonprofit members to the basic concepts of email automation and walked us through the flowcharting process. 

Watch the video to discover how to start making email automation work for your organization. In this video you will learn:

• How to communicate more often and more effectively with volunteers, supporters and partners
• How to promote events and other fundraising activities
• How to build stronger relationships while saving time and energy thanks to automation


Antoine Bonicalzi has been involved in digital marketing since 2009. Occupying key roles in several agencies, he has helped hundreds of small businesses and organizations succeed with digital marketing.

Today, as the Marketing Director for Cyberimpact, a Canadian email marketing and marketing automation platform, Antoine has the responsibility of growing its user base across the country. His role involves communicating the secrets of email marketing and marketing automation to Canadian businesses and organizations through articles, training workshops and seminars.